Chapter 40

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(Readers POV)

Everyone got called up to Ironwood's office. Everyone is walking towards it right now.

Jaune: I wonder what Ironwood needs.

Ruby: It has to be important if he wants everyone.

I noticed that Ruby is looking at Qrow and he noticed.

Qrow: Is something wrong Ruby?

Ruby: Did you ever had a kid?

Qrow thought about it.

Qrow: Did I?

Ruby: I don't know. I asked you the question.

Qrow: Anyways, I don't think I did.

So Qrow isn't Ying's dad.

Yang: Do you have any more brothers or sisters?

Qrow: It wouldn't surprise me.

I stopped paying attention to their conversation. I looked ahead and saw the door to Ironwood's office.

(Y/N): Finally. We're here.

I opened the door and everyone walked in. I saw my mom, Ying, Winter, and Penny standing next to Ironwood's desk. My mom waved at me and I waved back.

Ironwood: Good to see you're all here. I was planning to do this at the Amity Colosseum, but we had an unexpected guest.

He stood up and looked at us.

Ironwood: You fought for your school and your friends at Beacon. You fought for the world and the innocent at Haven Academy and beyond. You faced down terrors people can't even fathom. That's not the behavior of students. It's the behavior... of Huntsmen and Huntresses.

Penny started to tap on her scroll. I heard my scroll go off. I pulled it out and saw a Huntsman license. I'm... a Huntsman now.

(Y/N): What is this?

Winter: You are being granted your Huntsman licenses, today.

I looked at my mom and she got really excited.

(Y/N): Don't!

Dye: Come here!

She launched herself at me, tackling me in a hug.

Dye: I'm so proud of my little boy!

I saw everyone staring at me. I heard Ruby and Yang snickering. I felt my face heat up like crazy.

(Y/N): Mom... You're embarrassing me. Everyone is watching.

Dye: I don't care! Everyone can watch!

She started to kiss my cheeks over and over again. I tried to get out of her grasp. I can't deal with this anymore. I was able to get out mom's arms and she pouted at me.

Dye: You're so mean to your poor mother.

She pretended to be really hurt by my actions, trying to make me feel bad. She went to Ironwood's desk and picked up a cake.

Dye: I made a cake to celebrate!

I looked back at my Huntsman license.

Yang: After everything we've been through, I almost forgot this is what I wanted in the first place.

(Y/N): Yeah, I never thought this would be a thing after Beacon fell.

Weiss: It almost feels trivial now.

Qrow: Geez, guys, lighten up a little. Enjoy yourselves for a change. You've earned it.

Nora rushed over to my mom and tried to grab the cake.

Yin and Yang (Male reader x Yang Xiao Long)Where stories live. Discover now