1. Don't Leave

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One shot: #1
Name: Don't Leave
{Not Requested}

You had just woken up from a nightmare. It was a stormy night and C/n, your boyfriend had a late work night.

Thunder cracked and you hid under your blanket. You had never liked thunder storms. You still had marks from those horrible nights.
When you started middle school (6th grade), your parents had gotten a divorce and by 8th grade your mom had moved on.

At first you really liked the new guy, even though he would never replace your biological father, he was still pretty cool. Then things got bad. He started to get drunk then abuse you, and it would always happen during thunder storms. It happened pretty much for the rest of your high school years.

It was sad really. You and your biological father would always sit on the back patio and watch them together, admiring the beauty of the lighting and the music of the thunder.

Every time you'd drift off to sleep, you'd either hear a crack of thunder or have another nightmare. You sat up and buried you face in your hands helplessly crying. Part of you was glad that C/n wasn't there, 'he'd probably think you were acting like a baby', you insecurities told you. But the other part of you just wanted him to come home so bad. He knew about your stepdad so maybe he won't judge.

Hesitantly, you reached for your phone planning to call him.

"Hello?" He answered.

"H-hi, baby." You tried to not cry but that's a little hard.

"Princess? What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.

"Can- can you pl-please come home?" You wimpered, memories of those nights appearing fresh in your mind. Fresh tears stained your cheeks.

"Sure, Princess. I'll be home in 20." He said and hung up. You decided to wait for him on the couch since it was closer to the door.

You slowly got up and made your way to the living room, turning on all the lights along the way. Once you were comfortable on the couch you grabbed a blanket and placed it on you so you wouldn't get cold. After about five minutes you felt your eyelids get heavy so you reluctantly shut your eyes.

C/n POV:

I unlocked our apartment door and found y/n sleeping on the couch. I know tonight was probably hard for her, with what happened in the past.

She's also very insecure and softspoken so I know that it took her at the very least 5 minutes to call me.

I can't believe someone as precious as her went through that. I remember the day I saw it happen very clearly.


She had told me to just walk in. We had been assigned a project together. I walked in and called, "Y/n! I'm here!"

A minute later she answer with an 'I'll be down in a minute!'

About 30 seconds later I heard a muffled cry. Outside a storm was brewing."STOP! STOP! Please!" I heard her beg.

"Y/n, are you alright?!" I worriedly asked before starting to climb the stairs.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine." She said in a strained voice.

"Would you like to reschedule?" I asked since this was obviously a bad time.

"No. No. It's fine." She said as I rounded the corner. She walked out of a room, bruises already starting to form.
She had been fine at school earlier today so this would've had to be recent, like just barely recent.

My gaze followed her nervous glances to behind her and to the door she came out of.

She saw me looking behind her and said, "Let's go work on the project." Her tone was worried and rushed like she didn't want me know about this. She was never really open and more of the shy type.

"Alright." I said and acted like I was following her downstairs, but instead I quickly turned and walked into the room she had come out of earlier.

"Wait no! Stop!" She called as soon as she realized what I was doing, but I just ignored her. I saw a close to middle aged man fixing his belt - probably the one that gave her all those bruises.

"Stay away from my girl." I growled. We weren't dating but she's still mine. Even if she doesn't know it.

"What girl?" He raised his eyebrows. "My future step daughter? Ha! She can't even find any friends let alone a boyfriend."

"You don't know her. And she's mine." I said, almost threateningly.
End of flashback

Much like I had expected, the next day at school her bruises had "disappeared". Pft! Like I'd actually believe that. After that day I protected her and now we live together.

I picked her up, planning to carry her to our bed but she woke up almost immediately and jumped out of my arms.

Your POV:

You jump out of the strong things that had just lifted me up and got in a defensive stance.

"O-oh. You're home. I'm sorry." You said and went to hug him tears forming in your eyes once more.

"What are you sorry for? Princess you didn't do anything wrong. C'mon let's go to bed." He said in a gentle tone hugging you back.

It was 11:00 p.m. You guys crawled into bed and cuddled. You got as close to him as you could and wrapped your arms around his torso.

"Please don't leave. Don't leave."

"Shh. It's okay. I'm staying right here. I'm not going anywhere." He muttered into your hair. "I love you."

"I love you." You responded before falling asleep, knowing you'd be safe there, in his arms.

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