Mistletoe - Christmas Special

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Hope you enjoy this one!

SNOWFLAKES FLURRIED, dancing around in the soft wind before falling peacefully to the ground. Occasionally, you'd look at the window and smile softly.

You sat in an arm chair close to the window, in front of the fire. You were wearing a Christmas sweater and black leggings with fuzzy socks. A cup of hot chocolate sat on the side table right besides you. A book lay open in your relaxed hands as you devoured it - despite being in no rush, you were eager to reach the end.

Much to your disappointment, a timer went off, signaling that it was time for you to get ready to go to your parents annual Christmas party. You sighed and reluctantly marked your spot before setting the book down and getting up, going to do your hair and make up. (A/n ~ it doesn't have to be a lot of heavy but you have to wear some at least because it's a fancy party. Trust me, it's for the best. NOT THAT ANY OF YOU NEED IT!!! You're all beautiful.)

Upon entering your parent's home, you realized it was more decorated this year. You could place what exactly was different, but you were sure there was something new about this years decorations.

"Hi Mum, Dad." You greeted, hugging both of them. "Place looks nice."

"N/N!! You're here!!" Your younger sister screamed, practically jumping on you.

"It's nice to see you, too, S/N," You commented.

"So she gets a hug and I don't?" Your older brother teased.

"She's nice to me." S/N reasoned.

"Yeah, B/N, I'm nice to her." You grinned.

"Now, now, behave. The guests will be arriving shortly and we don't need any of this nonsense." Your mother commented. You beamed. You missed being with your family.

Your mother wasn't wrong. It hadn't even been ten minutes when the guests started arriving. It wasn't long before everyone had arrived.

"Y/N? Be a dear and get me a drink, would you?" your aunt called.

"Of course, Auntie," You replied and headed to the kitchen. Instead of getting your aunt a single cup, you brought the whole bottle and a few clear plastic cups. Your family may be fancy but they don't use glass or metal cutlery at parties. (A/n~ if you or your family doesn't drink, you can pretend it's eggnog or hot chocolate or something. If they do, Champagne or wine.)

It was smart of you to grab the entire unopened bottle, too, because on your way back to the kitchen, you bumped into someone.

"Ugh, I'm sorry. It was a complete accident-" You started to ramble.

"Y/N?" a familiar voice asked.

"C/N? Oh my gosh! I haven't seen you in forever! How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"That's great! I'm doing good..." You trailed off, realizing all the guests suddenly became quiet. "Why did everyone suddenly get quite?" You mumbled to yourself, brows furrowed.

"WHOOOH!! C/N/N, get some! Wait, that's my little sister!! C/N DO NOT GET SOME!!" B/N drunkenly called. You blushed, embarrassed by your brother's antics. Your mother smacked B/N upside the head. Then, hoping you were wrong, with maybe the slightest bit of hope that you were right, you looked up. C/N mirrored your actions. You were right: mistletoe.

"Shit," You mumbled. "Um, we don't have to if you don't want to, C/N. It's just a silly trad-"

You got cut of when he pressed his lips into yours. They were soft and tasted like Christmas. You slowly pulled apart and looked at each other, having a small moment before you realized all your friends and family had witnessed your sweet moment. You blushed.

"Yesss! B/N you owe us money!!" B/F/N and S/N called in unison, giggling. C/N didn't stop holding you. That was certainly an eventful Christmas eve but you were glad you put down your book and went.

You even got a boyfriend out of it!

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