Famous Question

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
Self harm
Also, I do not romanticize self harm. It is a very serious topic and if you are having thoughts about it I highly recommend talking to someone. I can speak from experience. Again, I DO NOT romanticize self harm, this is just for the one shot.

This is for anyone who is like me and finds a sick satisfaction in reading about being comforted after something happened because you don't want to burden anyone else with your feelings but you need comfort.

Oneshot: # 22
Name: Famous Question
Word Count: 798
{Not Requested}

LIFE FOR YOU hadn't been easy for many years. The last time you showed a real smile would've had to been two years ago — at the very least. No one seemed to see through the façade you put up so it didn't really matter.

You constantly felt lonely - even though you normally enjoyed being alone. You had been eating less and stopped trying to sleep at night. Everything felt empty - everything was broken. It was like you wanted to fix things but you didn't have the energy to deal with them. Hell, you barely had any energy to get out of bed in the morning.

Everything was numb.

Finally, you decided you needed to feel something. Maybe it was to make sure you were still alive, or to punish yourself for who knows what, or to distract yourself for little bit.

You decided to do this by inflicting physical pain.

You were in your room when your eyes landed on a pair of scissors you had laying around. You kept going at your arm, trying to make a mark. You knew that a pair of dull scissors wouldn't last long.

When you made you mark, tearing the flesh you've had since birth, it stung a bit. But then it felt amazing. Tears flowed down your cheeks and you decided that you'd wait until you got a better utensil for next time...


There you were again... you didn't cut very often, just when things got bad. Today, everyone was with someone.

And you were alone.

You couldn't help but notice how happy everyone else was because they had someone. They had a special, favorite person.

You were nobody's person. You were nobody's favorite. You were just there.

Sure, you had people who loved you but they were all busy. There was always someone that mattered more to them. So, they would go off to that person and you ended up alone.

You couldn't talk to your special person either because he was busy — C/N.

You were in your room, silently crying and cutting your arms. After a few marks, you were starting to set the blade down when something fell, startling you. Your head snapped over to your window, where C/N was standing, a horrified look on his face.

Angry that he caught you, you scowled at him.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were busy." You bitterly said.

"I-I finished work early." He explained quietly, before cautiously walking towards you. "Why? Why'd you do this?"

You laughed dryly. "That's the famous question, ain't it? Why..." You shook your head. C/N looked at you brokenly, not understanding why someone as precious as you would do something like this.

He kneeled in front of you, gently taking your hands in his.

"Please, Y/N, don't do this to yourself. So many people here need you. You don't know the affect you have on people." He pleaded but your eyes were dull as you watched him.

"Why do you even care so much?" You asked sourly. He sent you a very hurt look.

"You're my best friend! I have always cared about you!" he exclaimed desperately. In a final attempt at making you see, he cupped your cheeks and kissed you. The kiss was gentle but also passionate and needy, conveying everything that needed to be said but there were no words for.

When the kiss was broke, he rested his forehead against yours, noses gently brushing while your breaths mixed.

"I need you." He whispered. You licked your lips and tears filled your eyes again.



"I'll stay for you." The smile that made its way onto C/N's face was the happiest you had ever seen. It filled your stomach with butterflies and you were ecstatic to feel a happy feeling again. A real smile grew on your face and C/N pecked your lips once more.

"C'mon. Let's go get you taken care of." He helped you up and lead you to the bathroom. "Promise me, you'll come to me from now on," he requested, looking at you seriously.

"I promise." You obliged, sealing the promise with another peck, you hands gently resting him his.

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