17. I hurt

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If you feel uncomfortable on the topic of periods, I highly recommend skipping this one shot. Thanks!

Oneshot: # 18
Name: I Hurt
Word Count: 313
{Not Requested}

YOUR CRAMPS WERE horrible today. I felt as though you were being stabbed repeatedly in your lower stomach.

You didn't understand why women get punished for not having sex - or at least not getting pregnant. There was no good alternative. If you were to get pregnant, you wouldn't have you period for a bit but you'd have a whole person to look after and take care of. If you didn't, you'd have to go through monthly pain.

Not that kids are bad or anything, I mean, they make the world. Everyone starts out as a child. And you wanted to have a family of your own someday but right now wasn't the time. Kids are a lot of work, time, and money.

You groaned as a new cramp came in, seemingly tearing apart your abdomen.

"Love, you alright?" Your boyfriend asked, concerned.

"Yeah- no.. I hurt." You whimpered.

"Oh, Y/N, baby..." C/N murmured sympathetically. "Here, lay down." He helped you lay back on your bed, slightly propped up against the backboard and pillows. He left the room and came back with a heated rice pack - it was a bit heavy but actually ended up helping - a water bottle, and your favorite candy. He grabbed the remote and turned on your favorite movie.

He climbed into your bed and cuddle close to you, playing with your hair and occasionally rubbing your stomach. He watched your show with you even though he doesn't like it and gave you reassuring temple, forehead, and cheek kisses.

You felt loved. Normally, about this time you'd feel like a burden but C/N made you feel loved. You never minded your period as much when you were with C/N....

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