7. Hershey's Kiss

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Oneshot: #7
Name: Hershey's Kiss
{Not requested}

My brother is a slight romantic (not as much as me though lol) and he's planning to do something similar with his crush and that's how this idea came to be. Enjoy!

It was the last day of school before spring break and your friends were daring each other to do stuff. Looking around, your eyes met his and you felt heat dust your cheeks, causing you to rip your gaze away.

After turning away you were met face to face with your bestie. Her face was shining with mischievous excitement.

"What's the face for?" You asked.

"It's your turn to receive a dare," She declared. "And I've got the perfect one."

Oh boy, you couldn't help but think.

"Oh boy is right." Apparently you had said it out loud. "We dare you to go up to a boy and ask him if he wants a kiss and if he says yes then give him one of the Hershey kisses, if not just say it was a dare and walk away."

Then your other best friend interjected, "But the boy either has to be C/n or C/n's bestfriend."

You gulped, knowing there wasn't a way out of this. Then you felt a sudden surge of confidence and started walking to his group.

"Hey... c/n/f... would you like a kiss?" You questioned. He smirked after a moment of thought and then you realized something.

C/n/f and B/f/n like each other and are possibly in kahoots because they've been trying to get you and C/n to at least talk. You decided to play dumb and just finish the stupid dare.

"Sure!" He agreed and C/n glared at him.

"Alright, here you go." You smiled.

"Thanks!" He playful kissed your cheek and it didn't bother you because you thought of him as a closer friend, well at least close enough to do that. You turned to leave but ran into C/n, literally.

"Oh I'm sorry!" You quickly exclaimed.

"It's fine, but I'd like a kiss." He smiled.

"Ok. Here."

"Not that kind." He swatted your hand away.

"What kind hmp-" You were cut off by an unexpected impact and it made your eyes slam shut. You reacted to his kiss just before he slowly pulled away. You kept your eyes shut for a minute still processing what just happened.

Your friends' squeals forced you to open them though. You shot them both a quick glare and then turned back to C/n.

"Can I have another? I didn't get to enjoy that last one enough." You muttered slyly. Part of you mind wondered how you still seemed to make it seem like you were eating Hershey kisses.

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