3. Bet

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Oneshot: #3
Name: Bet
{Not Requested}

"Haha. No. I'm not doing that." You stated.

"Alright. That means S/n is better than you. She betted 10 bucks that you wouldn't do this. Guess she was right." B/f taunted you. You groaned. Your own sister betted on your love life.

"What do I have to do?" You asked, hesitantly.

"Just kiss him." O/b/f shrugged.

"Sure. I just walk up to C/n, kiss him, then act as if nothing happened." You said, sarcasm dripping from your words. "Are you guys stupid?! Who in the right mind would even bet on me?"

"Well um, even the teachers are betting." B/f informed. You leaned against the locker and folded your arms, thinking it over.

"If I agree to do this... what will I get?" You bargained.

"A romantic relationship with c/n." O/b/f piped up.

"Or a big ol' rejection." You said, not being easily convinced.

"You'll prove s/n wrong." B/f suggested. You thought about it but it wasn't enough. She'd just come up with something else in a few weeks. You started pacing in front of them, seriously considering this.

"Why are you guys betting that I will and that it'll work out?" You asked, skeptically.

"Because..." they started at the same time.

"Because they know that if they can convince you, they can win the bet. And friends are good at convincing two helpless romantics." A familiar, deep voice whispered in your ear. You whipped around, surprised.

"They had everything to do with this, didn't they?" You thought aloud. C/n nodded. You twirled back around to yell at them but they weren't there anymore. You groaned and turned back to face him. "You alright with this stupid bet?" You whispered.

"More then alright, y/n." He whispered before leaning in. Your eyes fluttered close and you felt butterflies as his lips met yours. Your lips moved in sync for a minute before you pulled away and rested your forehead against us.

"Ha! Pay up s/n!" Your friends yelled. "Mmm. Victory has never tasted soo~ sweet."

"You guys are great at ruining the moment."
C/n informed them.

"Who cares?! We're rich now! I'm going to go to Hawaii this year!" B/f yelled. You shook your head at then before kissing c/n again.

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