16. Just A Silly Crush

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Oneshot: # 17
Name: Just A Silly Crush
Word Count: 870
{Requested by Andrea726808}

"IS IT R/B/N?" F/N asked quietly, leaning into you slightly as you tried to focus on the lab in front of you.

"No," You started. "Be quiet, F/N. We're going to get into trouble."

"Is it C/N?" Your heart fluttered slightly at the mention of his name and bubbles filled your stomach. You stayed quiet, trying to avoid your own answer. F/N let out a gasp at your lack of response.

"F/N, is everything alright?" Your teacher asked.

"Yes, Professor, I just realized the answer. I'll be more quiet next time. Sorry." The professor nodded, satisfied with her answer.

"C/N? Really? I knew it!" F/N whispered.

"Shut up," You muttered, blush rising to your cheeks.

You were standing in line for lunch while you were talking to F/N and B/F/N. Suddenly, they got quiet. You looked over at them and saw F/N's mouth moving but no sound coming out. She was motioning around with her hands. You followed her line of sight and saw C/F/N. Your heart dropped when you realized she was talking about you.

C/F/N's jaw dropped and he glanced at you before turning to C/N. You shook your head viciously and felt nauseous. You knew exactly what was happening.

You successfully made it through the day without running into C/N. You thought you were in the clear. One day left until winter break and then he'd have two whole weeks to forget about it.

You were wrong however. That night, just after dinner, you got a text from an unknown number.


Hey, is this Y/N?

Who is this?

So I heard about your admiration for me...


Ah. I see.
What about it?

Look, I'm flattered but I don't think it will work out.
See, I just went through a break up
••• C/N is typing •••

I get it.
It was just a silly crush.
I knew it wouldn't work out anyway.
I'll see you around.

Okay. Goodnight.
Read 7:13

The next day was tricky for you but you managed to avoid C/N and give your friends the silent treatment. At lunch, you gave in and forgave your friends.

You had a lot of fun over winter break. You didn't think about school or C/N and you were always doing something enjoyable. You felt free. I can't say the same for C/N, though....

All winter break he was trapped in his own mind. He couldn't figure you out. He didn't understand how you could be so understanding of him - especially when he rejected you - over text, no less!

He didn't understand you. But he wanted to. You're all he wanted to know. You're all he wanted to understand. You drove him crazy.

Break was over, much to your disappointment. C/N couldn't wait. He was like a puppy waiting for his owner to return.

As soon as he could, he was by your side.

"Hey!" C/N greeted enthusiastically.

"Hi?" You replied with furrowed brows. He beamed at you. "C/N are you feeling alright?"


"Okay well, C/F/N is over there." You said pointing at C/N's friend.

"I know."


"Sooo... do you have any plans for this weekend?"

"No?" You were weird out at C/N's behavior. "Let's go over to C/F/N, yeah?" You suggested, gently grabbing C/N's arm and pulling him with you.

"Hey, C/F/N! Your puppy got lost. Want him back?" You asked gesturing to C/N. He frown slightly that you didn't want to spend time with him but didn't say anything.

"Uh, no. He's yours now." C/F/N said.

"Very funny. I'll see you boys around." You replied sarcastically before walking away. C/N watched you with a frown.

"I take it she said no?" C/F/N asked.

"I didn't even ask her." C/N sighed. "I should have never rejected her..."

"It was strange... but how was your day?" You asked B/F/N as the both of you talked about today's events.

"It was good." She started. "Y'know.... I think you should talk to C/N and listen to what he has to say. I have a feeling it'll be good."

"I don't know, B/F/N, I don't really wanna see him right now."

"Okay. It was just a suggestion. Don't get mad at me, though, if nothing happens because you were to cowardly to talk to a boy." She teased. Even though B/F/N didn't actually, really mean what she said, it still got you thinking. Would you regret it?

Here you were. Shoulder to shoulder with C/N. Talking about feelings. So fun.

"You know you rejected me, right?" You jokingly asked.

"I know," He looked into your eyes. "And I regret it so badly." He said slowly before gripping your chin and pressing his lips into yours. Your brain couldn't process what was happening and your eyes widened but eventually, you calmed down a bit and closed your eyes, reciprocating the kiss.

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