15. Distract Me

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Oneshot: # 16
Name: Distract Me
Word Count: 697
{Not Requested}

ANOTHER ARGUMENT - a great way to end the night. Your parents were fighting a lot more often now and it was getting harder to remember a day where you were just one simple, happy family. Their fights kept you up late and into the early hours of the morning.

Even if their fighting had subsided as early a eight-thirty, you would stay up pondering your own life or what the reason for their fight was this time.

Even though they didn't want to involve you, you could hear their fights clearly through the thin walls. Being the oldest/only child, you had to take care of yourself. Sometimes you wondered why they wouldn't just get a divorce but immediately felt guilty afterwards.

Surely there must be a reason they got married, right? Suddenly, your phone turned on, a bright light flashing your darker room along with a small dinging noise. Looking to see who it was, you smiled. It was your friend, C/n.

Heyyy, N/N u up?


Awww, damn.

You giggled and then your phone started ringing. You contemplated answering for a moment, trying to decide if it would be worth it if he heard your parents. After a few more seconds you answered.

"Hey, what took you so long?" C/n questioned when you answered.

"I, uh," you paused, quickly coming up with a valid excuse. "Dropped my phone and it took me a second to find it. Sorry."

"Oh that's coo—" C/n said with laughter in his voice before he got cut off.

"THEN LEAVE!!" One of your parents shouted. You cringed and tried to block the sound out of your mind.

"What was that?" C/n asked concerned.

"Oh, just the tv," you lied smoothly.

"C'mon Y/n, I'm your friend. You don't have to lie to me."

"Can... can you maybe come pick me up? I'll explain in the car but I really don't wanna be here right now."

"Sure. I'll be there in fifteen minutes."


"No problem. I'll see you soon, love."  C/n hung up and you plugged your phone in before turning on a lamp. You quickly pack a small bag with just enough utilities for one night.

You opened your window slightly and then hurriedly turned off the lamp and laid in your bed, pretending to be asleep. The window always made a loud sound when you opened it.

Your parents came into your room for a second, checking on you. They saw the window open but dismissed it as you getting too hot.

A few minutes after they left, your phone lit up again, C/n notifying you that he was there. You slipped on some shoes and a light jacket, grabbed you phone and bag, and climbed out the window. You made a mad dash to C/n's car, laughing once you were safely inside.

"That was probably the riskiest thing I have ever done." You both chuckled and he started driving back to his house. It was mostly silent with the radio playing softly in background. The silence was comfortable and you enjoyed it - not being able to get much of it at home.

"Do you wanna talk about it now?" C/n asked you.

"I guess you deserve an explanation." You sighed as he parked so he could give you his full attention. You explained everything to him. All about your stress and your worries, about your parents and other family members, about all your late nights and troubles sleeping. And he listened to you. It felt amazing to just let it all out and have someone you know cares for you be the one to listen and comfort.

"Can we go somewhere?" You asked. "We can run away together and forget about all our troubles. And we can do whatever we want." You loved to imagine this. I gave you a safe place - a distraction.

"That would be nice. We can't though."



"Well, until then, can you distract me?"

"I will distract you."



"Promise me."

"I promise." He took your hand and kissed it.

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