Made for You

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Name: Made For You
Word Count:
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Water towers made for hearts and names

You watched as C/N carved a heart into the side of the water tower, a smile on your face. You took turns carving your initials, promising each other forever.

Friday nights made for football games

It was the middle of the summer at your family's barbecue. C/N's family was always there. You happily observe how good C/N is with kids as you watch them all play together in the yard before rushing to join them.

Fallin' leaves made for fallin' in

As the months slowly get colder and teachers start to pile on work, you and C/N make sure to reserve the weekends for each other. You start to realize that you might have feelings for your best friend, and maybe it's your imagination, but it seems as though he feels the same.

Front porch steps are made for steps made for goodnight kissin'

C/N walked you to your door after you first real date together. You guys talked softly as you got closer to the door. Standing there, you smiled at him. His hands were stuff in his front pockets.

"Goodnight," You whispered, a grin on your face.

"Goodnight." He whispered back, leaning down to kiss you softly on the lips. When you pulled away he watched you walk into your house, making sure you were safe before turning and heading to his car.

And I was made for you, yeah I was made for you

Stars seemed to twinkle much brighter as though even they shipped the both of you together.

Summer jobs meant for spending cash

You had just gotten your pay check and decided to take yourself and B/F/N on a girls day. Together you had plenty of cash to spend and it's been a while since you had caught up.

Second dates are made for going fast

It was only your second date and you and C/N were talking about your future together. You had no idea if it would actually happen, since most things like this don't last, but it was fun to dream about. Knowing C/N for a while before you started dating made it easier to pick up the pace.

Early curfews meant for sneaking past

"Nine o'clock!" Your dad called after you, reminding you of curfew. You playfully rolled your eyes as you were already out the door.

— —

It was eleven-thirty and you were sneaking in through the back door. Luckily, you weren't caught... this time.

Two AM was made for pissed off dads

You had just gotten carried away with the time. Your mom convinced your dad to let you stay out later and the deal was you could be out for as long as you'd like but you had to be back before midnight.

Well, now it was 2:01, and you were sneaking in through the back door again. A lamp turned on and your dad was sitting in his chair with a cup of coffee. You felt like you were in a movie as you shot your scowling father an apologetic look, in hopes of getting off the hook.

"You're grounded." He deadpanned. You shoulders deflated and you didn't bother being sneaky anymore as you made your way to your room.

And I was made for you, yeah I was made for you

Your parents watched you both happily as you sat in the yard and talked. They loved how you managed to keep your amazing friendship even though you were now more than friends. Your moms excitedly planned the wedding and the dads talked about their next fishing trip.

Like a ship without a sea or a song without a melody

I don't know where I'd be or what I'd do

'Cause I was made for you...

Smoky bars made for "How bout a dance?"

You were at your aunt's wedding and C/N was there too, since he was a family friend. Your aunt wasn't the most traditional and decided to have her wedding at a bar.

"How bout a dance?" You asked somewhat jokingly, with a huge grin on your face. C/N returned it and whisked you away to the dance floor.

Open roads are made for holding hands

You and C/N walked down an empty street, holding hands, joking, laughing, and playfully pushing each other around.

Laid back seats are for young love

Y'all already know where this is going.

Two pink lines made for growing up

At least you're a legal adult now. All the signs were showing so the test shouldn't have been a surprised but you and C/N were still shocked.

And I was made for you, yeah I was made for you

Like a ship without a sea or a song without a melody

I don't know where I'd be or what I'd do

'Cause I was made for you...

Tiny shoes made for tiny feet

B/F/N came over with a small gift bag.

"Oh? What's this?" You asked. She handed it to you.

"Open it." She encouraged. You looked inside the bag and pulled out a tiny pair of sneakers. You guys hugged.

My two arms are made for where you sleep

It had been a very long day so you and C/N fell asleep. On the couch. In each others arms.

Sky was made for the moon and stars

You were made to steal my heart...

Images of C/N looking at you through out the years played. He was smitten since the first day.

And I was made for you, yeah I was made for you.

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