6. Tie

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Oneshot: #6
Name: Tie
{Not Requested}

Today was a fancy school event. It wasn't prom but the girls still had to wear dresses and the boys had to wear tuxedos.

You were standing by one of the snack tables watching your friends have fun. After every dance they would come and check on you. Looking around the gym, you watched as C/n enters. You knew he was upset but no one else seemed to notice.

One of your guy friends, _____, comes up behind you.

"You're drooling." He taunts.

"Liar." You muttered but as soon as you knew he wasn't looking you wiped your mouth to make sure.

"Why don't you go talk to him? He looks just as lonely as you."

"Have you ever heard of this thing called rejection? Because it's a common thing and I don't want it."

"C'mon Y/n! You never take any risk. You only live once and you're going to regret so many things. You better hurry before someone else goes to him."

"You're the one to talk! You don't think anyone notices you staring at Kara! Yet she's sitting over by the punch table watching her only friend dance and you're over here trying to convince me to go talk to C/n!" You stated bitterly.

Then he just left. You watched as he walked towards Kara, bowed, said something, and took her hand to dance. You took a deep breath and glanced over at C/n.

"Fine." You muttered to yourself and made your way over to him. But once you got there, you realized you really hadn't thought about what you were going to say. After a few moments he spoke.

"What do you want?" It came out a little harsh and you weren't even really sure. At this point you just decided it wasn't worth it any more.

"Nevermind," You muttered and made you way out to the hall. You were so tired of feeling alone and tonight had just made it even worse. You stopped by your locker and did the combination. As you pulled out your phone you heard someone call out, "Wait!"

Assuming the shout was meant for someone else, you proceeded to search for your cousin's contact. They were slightly older then you and moved closer to you for college.

"Look, I'm sorry. It's just been a rough day and I hadn't meant to sound so harsh." The soft voice made you jerk your head up. You saw his beautiful ____ eyes, and then noticed how close the two of you were. You couldn't move because your back was against a set of lockers and your bodies were right up against each other. Feeling your cheeks heat up, you looked away. He gripped your chin and gently turned your head to face him.

"Look at me. I really am sorry." He said firmly.

"I forgive you.." You muttered. "But you were a jerk." You spoke . He gave a surprised face but you didn't see it for very long because you gripped his tie and gently jerked his head down so that his lips would meet yours. When you pulled away you started talking again. "Still a jerk though."

"Hey," He raised his hands in surrender. "You're the one stealing kisses."


If y'all ever want a part two of something, just comment. I really like writing these.

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