14. Shy Girl

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To all my unconfident, shy (or quiet), girlies out there, Hopefully you'll find your happy ending.

Oneshot: # 15
Name: Shy Girl
Word Count: 1304
{Not Requested}

YOU LOCKED THE DOOR to you bedroom and leaned against it. You let out a sigh and slid down to the floor, still processing what had happened earlier that day.

C/n was walking beside you, talking and laughing. Suddenly, you trip over a rock and almost fall flat on your face. C/n was quick to move forward and catch you. You felt awkward but the butterflies in your stomach were doing the most outrageous backflips.

"Hi," you awkwardly smiled.

"Hi." He grinned back at you. You stayed there for a minute and then got uncomfortable.

"Okay, you can set me down now." You stated and pat his chest.


You squealed with a smile.

"(Y/N)?" Your mother called. "Are you alright?"

"Oh, um," You started. "YESS MUM!! IM FINE!!" You called and then whispered, "I'm perfect."

The next day, C/n came up to you asking for help on some homework. You didn't do much homework and spent the time laughing and getting to know each other better.

Everyday for a month, something amazing would happen with you and C/n even if it was as small as a conversation, you cherished it completely. However, nothing good will ever last forever.

"Why are you like this?" C/n asked. He never meant it to be offensive, he was just curious, but it offended you.

"What do you mean?" You asked softly, brows furrowed.

"You're a totally different person now. When I first met you I could barely get you to talk to me—you would always be loud with B/f/n—now you're loud with me too. Why the drastic change?" You felt embarrassed. Partly because he had noticed you, but also partly because it kind of sounded like he didn't want you to be like that with him.

C/n didn't mean it that way at all, he loved hearing you talk to him, he was just curious. You, however didn't interpret it that way though. You overthought and decided that he probably didn't want this and you were now burdening him.

"Oh, um, I got comfortable, I guess." You answered honestly but went quiet after that. After very long minutes of silence, C/n frowned, realizing that you weren't going to talk anymore. He turned to you and opened his mouth to speak but you beat him to it. "I should really head home now, I- uh, told
B/f/n that we could study for stuff together." You lied. It was actually a pretty good lie, too, with minimal stuttering and you managed to keep a straight face through it.

C/n's frown got even deeper, he knew you were lying to him. Nevertheless, he let it go and offered to walk you home. You almost declined, but found that you couldn't say no to him so you reluctantly agreed.

After that, you avoided C/n at all costs. You still deeply cared about him but it was best this way. He obviously didn't like you.

"Hey, I thought you were hanging out with C/n today?" B/f/n said, her brows furrowed.

"Oh, I canceled."

"You canceled?" she repeated. "Why?" You just shrugged.

"Why not?"

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you really like him and you're super happy whenever the two of you hang out!" B/f/n flicked your forehead and you yelped.

"What was that for?!" You demanded.

"Maybe it'll knock some sense into you." She responded simply before walking off, leaving you alone with your thoughts.

After that, you decided that you wouldn't go out of your way to avoid C/n but you wouldn't purposely try to meet him either. By this time, C/n gave up on trying to talk to you.

Whenever he'd see you in the hallways, he'd sigh and look away like a sad puppy. It got so bad that randomly, one day, C/f/n took matters into his own hands.

"What did you do?" He demanded. You raised a brow.

"I haven't got a clue what you're on about." You responded simply.

"C/n! What did you do to him?"

"I didn't do anything... what happened to him?"

"He's not C/n anymore. Doesn't act a thing like he did before he started hanging out with you. Or even while he hung out with you. Then all the sudden, you guys stop hanging out and he starts acting like a puppy that just got beat for doing a trick."

"Well, I'm sorry about that... but just because we stopped hanging out doesn't mean that it's my fault.

"No — Y/n, you don't get it do you?"

"Get what?" You shook your head. "There's nothing—"

"For someone who gets high marks in practically every class, you sure are a bloody idiot!"

"What is it that you're on about?" You demanded exasperatedly. You were tired of the vagueness you were receiving.

"Can't you see?! C/n loves you! Are you always this dense?" C/f/n snapped.

"He — he does?"

"Yes!" C/f/n and B/f/n exclaimed in unison.
B/f/n had walked up a few minutes before.

"Where is he?" C/f/n pretended to check the time.

"Hm. I'd say he's pouting in his car right now."

You walked through the parking lot, looking for the familiarity of C/n's vehicle. Once you spotted it, you sighed, gathered all your courage, and walked to his car.

He didn't even notice you until you opened the passenger side of the door and climbed in. The two of you sat in silence for a minute before you spoke.

"What happened?" You asked.

"What do you mean?" C/n looked at you quizzically.

"You're so sad now... C/f/n came up to me today and gave me a piece of his mind about it." You admitted. C/n just shrugged. You sighed again.

"Look, I was a jerk. I completely ignored you and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go and destroy whatever we had. I actually really enjoyed your company and it's all my fault because I'm the one who pushed you away and I know that. My reasoning for coming out here was to say that I'm sorry..." You said sincerely. "While I'm delivering an apology, I might as well deliver a confession as well: I love you. Alright, now that I'm going to shut up before I say something stupid that I will regret. Have a good day." You rambled before starting to open the car door and make your great escape.

You were hoping that once you left the vehicle, your heart would stop as though it would explode any minute and the anxious butterflies in your stomach would take a lunch break.

Before you could get out of the car, however,
C/n grabbed your wrist.

"Wait," He called softly. You turned to see what he needed only to a pair of lips meet yours. The kiss was short and sweet but enough to make you melt.

"I'll forgive you on one condition: you be my girlfriend and never do that to me again." He smiled at you.

"That's two conditions, C/n," You laughed.

"So is that a yes or a no?" C/n raised his brows at you.


You walked back inside, hand in hand and for the most part, C/n was a happy puppy again after that.

How was that?

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Thanks for reading! Have a good morning/day/night!

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