10.5. Chapstick Challenge 2

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Oneshot: #11
Name: Chapstick Challenge 2
{Not Requested}

As you were getting ready for C/n to come over you realized that you forgot to buy chapsticks. You rushed over to your bed and quickly grabbed your phone.


Another ring.

Another ring.

Ring, ring, ring.


"Hi! B/f/n I—"

"Haha. Got you! Leave a message. Bye!" B/f/n's cheery voice recited. How'd I forget what her voicemail is, you thought. If B/f/n didn't answer the first time, she wasn't going to answer the second. Your parents were out of town for the weekend, as well. Which left you with one last reliable source. They answered on the second ring.

"What do you want, Y/n? I'm kind of busy." He sounded very annoyed.

"I'm sorry, B/n, but I have this important thing in fifteen minutes and I don't have time to run to the store. Can you please pick something up for me?" You begged your brother.

"Depends on what it is." You sighed. You were really hoping that he would just agree and you could text him about the chapsticks but this is B/n we are talking about.

"I need 27 chapsticks."

"Chapsticks? Why chap—gosh, Y/n don't tell me you're doing the chapstick challenge." B/n whined. You were silent. "Fine. But is he at least a decent guy?"

"It's C/n. The one I have ELA with. B/f/n said we should do it together and he said he'd be down."

"Really, B/f/n? You just had to?"

"Wait! She's with you? Why didn't she answer my call?"

"She was, uh, busy."

"B/F/N YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO LATER!!!" You said loudly enough to make sure she could hear you. "Okay, B/n can you please just hurry?! He's gonna be here in 10 minutes!"

"Fine, fine. Am I going to have to stay to make sure nothing else besides a quick peck happens?"

"You're the one to speak. That's my bestfriend you're messing around with. Just get the chapsticks! I'll pay you back tomorrow if you hurry!" You ended the call before he could respond and finished getting ready. A few minutes later you heard the front door open and close. You quickly looked in the mirror one last time before rushing to to greet your brother. There were two minutes left until 6:00 and you didn't want your brother to be here when C/n got here.

"Thank you so much!! You're the best big brother! Now, I love you, bye!" You grabbed the bag and pushed him out the door but he stopped you.

"Nah, I want to me this guy." B/n insisted.

"But B/f/n..." You tried.

"Hey, bestie," B/f/n walked through the door.

"Fine, you can meet him but then you have to go straight to your room with B/f/n and stay there until he leaves." You really didn't want B/f/n and B/n locked alone in the same room together but you also didn't want them to embarrass you infront of C/n. Just then the door bell rang.

"Oh, are they playing too?" C/n asked, gesturing to B/n and B/f/n when he walked in.

"No, they were just leaving." You said and pushed them in the direction of B/n's room. "We can go to my room so my brother doesn't come bug us."


"So, so you wanna go first?" You asked him as you closed your bedroom door.

"Sure." He turned around and applied some chapstick and hid the bottle-tube-container-thing in an empty plastic bag. You quickly leaned in and gave him a small peck—it didn't last more than two seconds. Though it was short, you were blushing. You had only kissed a couple guys before so it was still new to you. You licked your lips.

"Mm. Marshmallows?"

"How?" He asked playfully and grinned. "Your turn."  You grabbed a chapstick and quickly applied it.

"Okay, ready." As soon as the words left your mouth, his lips were on yours. This time it lasted five seconds.

"Vanilla." He sounded so sure.

"Yes. You're good at this. It's your turn." He turned around and you looked around the room. You could faintly hear B/n and B/f/n talking but couldn't make out what they were saying.

"Okay." C/n brought you back to the present. You leaned in and kissed him but couldn't decided the taste. But it didn't really taste like a chapstick flavor. It had the smallest taste of mint but not enough for him to have just put some on. You moved closer trying to figure out the taste as your lips moved in sync. You climbed onto his lap and straddled him. His hands found your hips and rested on them. You pulled away slightly and licked your lips. Upon not tasting anything new he pecked his lips again. You weren't about to lose this game so you pulled away, mentally crossed your fingers, and guessed.

"Mint?" He shook his head and leaned in again. Soon, you got lost in the kiss and forgot to look for the flavor as you ran your fingers through his fluffy h/c locks.

"Y/n? Is C/n go—" You jumped at the sound of your best friends voice and pulled away, flustered.

"Y/n M/n L/n, after what I just walked into, you better sure as hell know what flavor the chapstick is." B/n said sternly. "Or I'm telling Mom and Dad that you were making out with a boy in your room with the door closed."

"Strawberry." You  knew you were wrong but you said it confidentially and looked at C/n with pleading eyes. You did not want to be grounded.

"Yes. You're fantastic!"

"Now, is there a reason you're in my room or did you just decide that you wanted to be annoying?"

"B/f/n is staying the night." You raised an eyebrow and looked over at B/f/n.

"It's Thursday." B/f/n never stays the night on a school night unless her parents are out of town. She doesn't like being alone.

"She. Is. Staying. The. Night." B/n said through gritted teeth.

"Okay, okay, jeez. She's staying the night. But just fifteen more minutes, please?"

"I don't care how long he stays as long as he leaves by eight."

"Okay! Thank you! Now get out." You pushed them out the door but this time you locked it. "Thanks for that. I know the flavor wasn't strawberry. Funny thing, I can't seem to taste a solid flavor."

"Hm. Do you give up?" He teased.

"No." You smashed his lips into yours, frantically trying to crack the code. Find the flavor. C/n pulled away slightly but his lips were still on yours. His eyes were still closed.

"There is no flavor."

"What? No, there has to be. Do you want to re-apply it real quick?"

"No, Y/n, I didn't put any chapstick on."

"But—" He kissed you again.

"I just love your kisses." He smiled at you. You smiled back.

"Well, we have an hour and a half 'til eight.... and I've got lots of kisses to give you..." You grinned back and kissed him.

Phew! That was my longest one I think. 1225 words. Not counting the first part. That one has like 600 something. I hope y'all enjoyed though!

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