8. Adults

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Oneshot: #8
Name: Adults
{Not Requested}

(a/n: this one might be one of the short sweet ones so.... idk how to make this one long but i hope it's good! enjoy!)

You were sitting at your desk in the office (your house has an office, just trust me, it'll make sense.) C/n was at work and you were stressed out. The both of you had just gotten married and you couldn't be happier but all of this was burning a whole in your pocket. Not to mention, you didn't feel good at all. You would go to the bathroom and just sit by the toilet at times.

Anywho, you were at your desk in the office, paying bills. Electricity bills, water bills, house insurance, car insurance, putting money away for next weeks grocery list, putting money away to pay your relatives who helped out with the wedding, sorting whatever's left over in between the last four piles: emergency, savings, fun, and vacation. Losing money always made you anxious, even if it was for a good cause.

When you finally finished, you heard the front door open. A huge smile krept onto your face and you raced out of the room and ran into your lover's arms.

"I missed you sooooo much!" You said, sounding a bit like a toddler. C/n didn't mind, he always found it adorable.

"I missed you too." He responded leaning in for a kiss. It was a very nice kiss until you doubled over in pain, breaking it. "Love, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." You said through gritted teeth. After a few more seconds, the pain passed and you stood up like a normal person. By now you were used to that as the same thing had been happening all day. Right before you'd have to throw up. You ran to the bathroom, leaving a very confused C/n. After emptying whatever the heck was left in your stomach and rinsing your mouth you faced a very concerned    C/n. "Sorry 'bout that. It's been happening all day. Checked my temperature already. No fever." C/n hugged you tightly.

"Maybe it's just the 24 hour stomach bug or something. I was going to surprise you with a movie and pizza but I can just stay here tonight."

"No. No. It's okay. I'm fine. It's probably just something I ate. Pizza actually sounds amazing. I'll act surprised."

"Okay but promise me to go easy on the pizza." He said holding out his pinky.

"I promise." Later that night you acted excited and surprised just like you said you would. You ate your favorite pizza and watched The Greatest Showman.

Time skip: one month later

"HOLY FUDGE SPRINKLES!!!" You couldn't swear as you had a little one on the way. C/n came running.

"What is it?" He asked. (a/n: it's saturday btw so C/n doesn't have work.) You hid your hands quickly behind your back. You didn't know how to tell him and this certainly isn't how you'd like him to find out.

"Nothing!" You exclaimed quickly.

"Y/n.... what's in your hands?" He asked eyeing you suspiciously and stepping closer to you.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing." You said with a face.

"Okay.... well we are going to eat out with your parents tonight."

"Sounds great." You replied and pecked his lips. He kiss you again just a bit longer and grabbed the 'thing' in your hands. You broke the kiss, "Hey!" His eyes widened.

"You-you're pregnant?" He asked surprised. You nodded slowly. He picked you up and spun you around. "That's amazing! C'mon we got to go get the crib and the clothes and everything!"

"Wait. Wait. We still have nine months. Breathe C/n." You smiled a lopsided smile.

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