He Ain't Going Nowhere

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I can't believe Frank is asking this of me. He always thinks he knows what best for me when he gives a huge task like this. Presume a relationship as a publicity stunt? I'm sure any good can come of rushing things. I do miss Rocky, it'll be nice to call him mine again. Valentine's Day is coming up, that'll be the first public outing to start a roar in the media. I'm almost home just three more blocks. What should I say when I see Rocky? Should I tell him what Frank told be to do? No of course not! Okay I'll just act natural and take him up on his offer to hang out. Yeah, that's what I'll do. Thoughts of Rocky aside, what am I going to do about these songs. An entire mix tape. I'll have to call T.I and head to the studio tomorrow.


Every since I got home I've been studying personal endeavors, researching up and coming artist and writing rhymes here and there. Nothing that I've written so far has really spoken to me just yet, I'm waiting for a spark of inspiration.

11:50 am 'Rocky'
Iggy why are you coupped up in your room like a hermit crab? Let's go do something.

Right on time as always.

11:52 am 'Iggy'
Rocky why are you texting me when you're right across the hall?

I sat there for at least five minutes waiting for his reply but it never came. Is he serious? I'll just have to pay him a visit.

"How dare you" I say menacingly to Rocky as I bust in his room and sit on the edge of his bed.

"Busting through my door had gotten to be a bad habit Iggy. Wouldn't you agree?" Rocky replies with a smirk as he folds his arms behind his head. Okay maybe he's right. I have invited myself into his room one to many times.

"That's not the point. Why didn't you answer my text?" I ask. To be honest I could care less about the text I just wanted an excuse to come in here.

"There was no need for an answer because your here now. What's up?" Rocky replied. He's so cool if I didn't know him so well I'd probably be swooning after him. But since am here I might as well take it upon myself to do what Frank told me.

"Let's go do something" I suggested. Hopefully he says yes otherwise this plan of Franks probably won't work out.

"Really? You mean it?" Rocky asked as he sat up straight.

"Of course I mean it Rocky, come one what do you want to do?" This might be fun. Just the two of us just like old times.

"Want to go eat?"

"Yes I do"


Me and Rocky have been sitting in Denny's for the past two hours. Together we've eaten four plates of food and multiple refills. The staff and other customers must hate us we've been laughing way to loud adding to the fact we caused a group of paparazzi to gather outside.

"We are without a doubt the worst customers of all time." Rocky said as we continued to laugh loudly.

"Let's take it as a sign. We should probably go now, pay the tab Rocky" I say with a laugh.

"Excuse me? Because I'm the guy I have to pay the tab? You're the one who suggested we hang out Iggy" Rocky protested.

"Boy don't make me beat your ass in front of these people pay the tab and let's go." I say trying to be serious.

"Fine, but just this once." Rocky laughed as he waved down one of the waiters who was trying to avoid our table. When we finally got a waiter over we paid out tab and left. Thanks to the paparazzi leaving took longer than usually but eventually we left.

Okay that's enough distraction for now I have to get back to writing lyrics. This mix tape won't happen without any lyrics.


Yesterday at Denny's couldn't be more perfect it was as if we never broke up. Maybe I might even write a love song for this mix tape. In other news I'm on my way to the studio T.I says he's written a song for us and all we have to do is record it.

"Iggy what's up! I missed you." T.I said as he walked up to me giving me a hug.

"I missed you too. How are you? Where's this song you talked about?" I replied as I walked over and sat down.

"The sheet music is right there the song is called No Mediocre. I think it'll be a hit" T.I said as he sat down next to me turning on his laptop to show me the beat to the song.

''Your right I think this we have a hit on our hands" I agree with a smile. Time to get my career on track. Everything's going my way for once, I hate to admit it but I guess my manager does knows best.

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