Back To The Future

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It had been a few months and me and Rocky were becoming serious. He even cut down his street activity and was focused more on his music. I remember like it was yesterday the day I saw him beat a guy to a pulp and had the mob drag him away. I cried a yelled for him to stop and that's when he knew he had to pick between me and the streets.


"Where's my money" Rocky yelled as hit the guy with each syllable. The guy getting beat desperately tried to cover his head as the mob just watch as it was normal to them.

"I-I don't have it yet just one more week and I'll up my sales.". Rocky ignored him as mob scoffed and joined in on the beatings. I walked up from around the corner because I heard the commotion from my apartment. I happened to live in a beat up dope selling complex. My whole world changed as I saw Rocky beat him cold hearted-ly. 

"Stop it you guys. You'll kill him!" I screamed as tears ran down my face. Everyone on the block just watched. The mob didn't even notice my presents. 

"Rakim stop, you'll kill him if you don't!" I screamed getting closer. I knew not to get to close because the mob just might have hit me. When I screamed Rocky's real name he looked up immediately. He looked back down at the guy and with one snap of the fingers the mob stopped beating him and dragged him away as Rocky walked towards me. I was so scared at the moment that I decided to run back to my apartment. I didn't realize Rocky was behind me until he picked me up, locked the door and carried me to my bed. It was the first time he'd seen my house.

In that moment the world had stopped.

Jake was barking.

I was sobbing.

Rocky was rocking me back in forth in his lap. 

"Get out! Get out!" I yelled against his chest. He didn't the opposite and just held me. We stayed silent like that for hours.

"Rakim how could you hurt him like that" 

"I know baby, I know"

"No Rakim you clearly don't it's me or the game. I refuse to have a man that can be called a murderer." 

- End of the flashback - 

I shuddered at the memory but we had become closer than ever. School was over last month and I had my diploma. I got a different jab to work during the day. Quit my waitress job. I even got signed at a record label. My fan base was growing and I had combined concerts with the mob every weekend. I looked over at Rocky and sighed as I hit the blunt again. Everyone in the mob was vibing in a smoke session. 

"Iggy you okay" 

I don't even know who said it but it didn't matter. Every one kept on asking me that lately. I rolled my last blunt and put it behind my ear as I gulped down a chug of whatever was in Rocky's cup. I walked up to Rocky's room because I knew I was to high to drive home and fell asleep.

-In the morning - 

I woke up entangled in Rocky and his sheets. I felt good today. I don't even know what was up with me yesterday and with mob asking all them questions but they should know by now not to talk to me went I smoke. I lied I know exactly why I'm upset these days tomorrow is the date of the day I got on that plane lied to my parents and left my hometown. All I knew was I happy to have Rocky. I showered him who kissed him all over his face. He rolled me on top and groaned. I love this man he said it to me a couple times but I'm not sure sometimes.

"Rakim, you love me right?" 

"Iggy, I love you more than the smell after I hit a blunt" 

Rocky said in his sexy morning voice and rolled us over. I laughed as he was now on top of me. I time my chance and squeezed his butt. Rocky jumped off me immediately. 

"Don't touch my bum, am I gay?" Rocky snapped 

positioning himself on my stomach after i was done laughing. He was ready to go to sleep again. I played with his braids awhile after that, he soon fell asleep. I work shift time neared and I had to go home and change. So I kissed Rocky goodbye as he headed to the home studio.

I headed home and got dressed as I held and kissed Jake. My baby was getting so big. I decided to be a little late and hang with Jake for a bit to cook him a stake. I had half an hour till work I guess its a no makeup day. Jake at the stake fast and barked.

I kissed him on finally time and went to work. I need to sped more time with that dog.

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