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 I keep to myself most of the time I'm surprised I have friends. My days consist of school, working out at lunch, texting Rocky, more school and a hell nod a lot of work. I hope that soon I cab get a better job and have more time for me and a better place to live. I finally spotted the place of the modeling audition. I walked in with myself made portfolio and my head held high.

 " Hello, hello you must be Iggy have a seat darling" the overly cheery man said. 

" Yes that's me glad to meet you" I smiled.

" Well darling let's see your portfolio" he said reaching his hand out. I quickly gave it to him. I was nervous this could be great pay. I could hear him mumbling from across the desk I could only hope it was a good one. 

" Yes perfect the sultry look I was going for come with me the job is yours" he said in a businessman tone.

 " Of course I would love the job. Where are we going?" I asked as I took my portfolio back and followed closely behind him.

" Zenhara is going to take your measurements and have your photo taken. So we can get you started at this agency immediately" He said not bothering to look back. This was so exciting my dreams coming true and a date with Rocky all in one day. 

 " After we've taken the measurements and photos you will have to sign out contract and we will give you a call tomorrow to set up a meeting to work on your modeling, and so see what we will book you for" He said looking over my face intensely. 

" Of course" I smiled and he smiled back.

 I had learned a lot there Zenhara's really nice too. I also learned the man I had been speaking with name is Rich. Kind of ironic since he's loaded. Enough about that off to meet Rocky he texted me to meet him at Denny's. I walked in to Denny's and there my man was sitting there on top of things and was early. I saw he was on the phone so I just smiled waved and sat down. 

 " No Ferg I'm with my girl I can't do round right now!" Rocky yell/ whispered. I knew he was in the game but as long as it didn't affect me he was still my boo. 

 " Hit a round with Nast I'll call you back in a few hours" he huffed as he hung up and smiled at me.

" Hey Iggy how's your morning going" he said as he reached over and held my hand across the table. Damn he looked as good as always and in could smell he smell from across the table. 

He looked good today. I smiled hard when he turned off his phone so that all his attention would be on me. We talked and laughed for hours. 

" You want a ride home Iggy?" Rocky asked as we got up pushing in our chairs. 

" I have a car Rocky you know this" I laughed getting my keys out. We walked to the door and by my surprise Rocky held the door open for me. My cheeks must be red from all this smiling. 

" I know you got a car just tryna make this date last" Rocky said as we got to my jeep. I looked up at him as he put his hands on my hips. I knew I was Blushing so I just smiled. 

" Damn you know I love these hips right" Rocky admitted as he rubbed them. I didn't know what to say because I was scared I'd pounce on him. I turned around to open my driver's door and Rocky was pressed against me again. I was caught by surprise so I almost dropped my keys. 

" When's our next date Iggy?" Rocky said as he leaned into my ear. I knew he was try a get to me but I had to get home and fed Jake. 

"I can't stay rocky I have to feed my dog" I said quietly. Rocky didn't even move as he tugged on my ponytail to bring me closer as he gave me a slow kiss. 

" I'll let you do you I gotta hit up the Mob, already know they told me not to turn off my phone." He said moving away for me.

" Text me when your free Iggy, drive safe okay" Rocky said also getting his keys out about to walk away.

" Okay Rocky goodnight" I said with a smile. He walked away and I did a happy dance. Yes that's my man I thought as I got in mg car. I was finally home and I went straight to feed Jake he seemed really happy to see me as I was to see him I put on my work out clothes on and took Jake for and run but all I could think about was Rocky.


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