Beg for It

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As soon as I woke up I knew I made a huge mistake. When Rocky's scent hit my nose I knew I had to get out of there as soon as possible. I slowly proceeded with removing one arms from my waist it took a while but I was finally out of the bed. I really thought I was in the clear until he started reaching for me. Instead he grabbed my pillow, inhaled and squeezed. It was cute but not cute enough for me to forgive him. I grabbed my phone and all my belongings and and was soon safety on the other side of his bedroom door, only to end up face to face with Ferg.

"Oh, wipe that smirk off your face. We didn't do anything Ferg" I said annoyed as I made my way to my room.

"I didn't even ask you that but, if you insist, I believe you" Ferg said with his hands up as he walked away. is he using revere psychology on me? What am I saying Ferg doesn't care about my personal life.
I put in my headphones as I started blasting ashley all day while I did my morning routine. Some people don't like her but I don't care I wanna vibe with her someday. I shook the thought out of my head as I finished up in the bathroom and went to feed Jake. I should really call my manager and set up a photo shoot or something I'm sick of just coasting.
I was putting out Jake's food when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to find Rocky standing there.
"Rocky! You scared me, what's up?" I said awkwardly. Great, just fantastic. I really wanted to avoid him before I left the house.
"Hey Iggy, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today...maybe grab lunch" rocky asked nervously. I almost said yes when he cracked that million dollar smile and scratched the back of his neck, but I have to be strong.
"Maybe tomorrow, I have to meet with my manager to talk about things" I said trying not to look him in the eye. Damn Rocky for cheating on me we could've been together right now. Going strong, but I have to get over it because there's no going back now. I sat down and ate some cereal as I watched Jake eat his food. As soon as I was about to take a bit my phone started blowing up. Yup, just great, more haters. Azaliea Banks to be exact. What the hell is her problem. I haven't spoken a word to her in my life, yet she's constantly hating on me. I don't know why but lately I seem to be everyone's target. It's whatever because I know I'm good and I believe in myself. I shook it off as I washed my bowl and went to go get ready for my meeting.

"Iggy as you can tell you've been the target of the public eye for quite a while now" my manager said as he sat back and crossed his hands over his desk.

"Not to worry darling I have a plan. but this does mean you free time and vacations are over" he said sternly as put on his reading glasses.

"Of course, what would you like me to do?" I asked. I really hope he doesn't ask me to do anything to crazy. I don't really have anything to lose to fuck it.

"Okay let's start with your relationship with this A$AP Rocky fellow. How is that going at the moment?" My manager said as he searched through his papers. I know that look, he's going to ask me to do something crazy.

"It's up and down. Why?"

"No questions for here on out. I'm going to tell you the plan and your going to follow through with it".


"Great. Phase one, the relationship. You and Rocky need to have a public outing. at these up and coming MTV awards you won't go together but you will have a moment in front of the cameras to leave the fans wanting more. Phase two. The music. Iggy I can't lie to you your gonna have to step it up. Drop a mixtape with four top dog collaborations. This is the step that cannot be taken lightly. Phase three. Have fun. You have three months Azalea". With that he whipped his chair around dismissing me from his office. Wow, how am I going to get all of this stuff done. Rocky and a mixtape, damn.
I guess we'll end up together after all.

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