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- Rocky's P.O.V -

I was chilling. Smoking and stalking Iggy's instagram. Damn she looking good let me double tap. 

"Like another one of that bitches pictures" Chanel said coming up from behind me. Da fuck she everywhere! 

"Babe for the last time she's not a bitch" I said putting my phone in my pocket.

"Why you always defending her Rakim" she snapped hitting my blunt out of my hands. 

"The fuck Chanel this rug is Versace" I get picking up my blunt. Tired of this girl man I stay tryna drop her but every time I say I wanna break up she says no. 

"Just chill alright" I sighed as I dropped onto my bed. I inhaled into my pillow deeply I can still smell Iggy on it sometimes if I focus hard enough. I heard a frustrated growl come from Chanel as she stomped out of my room and left the mob house. I knew she didn't stay cause the mob doesn't like her. I really need to get Iggy back. 

- Iggy's P.O.V - 

I sat in my tour bus with Rae as I thought about Rocky. 

"You're thinking about him aren't you?" Rae asked as she looked up from the TV. 

"I can't help it Rae I miss him more everyday" I sighed. 

"Telling by the way he was looking at you at the fashion show I think he misses you too" Rae said patting my arm. 

"Don't be ridiculous he has a girlfriend now" I said in a duh tone. 

"Oh come on you actually think he cares about her!" Rae exclaimed. 

"Well yeah he must if they're dating" I said. 

"Get up and stop mopping we'll be at the venue in 20 minutes you have to look and SMELL good for your adoring fans" Rae said pulling me up and shoving me into the bathroom and shutting the door. 

"Thanks Rae" I said as I poked my head back out. I stripped and got in the shower. I signed as I remembered all those times I showered with Rocky. I shook the thoughts out of my head as I got out. 

When will I get over him.

- Rocky's P.O.V - 

I can't take this I have to talk to her. I dialed Iggy's number as I taped my foot. 

"Hello.. Rocky?" Iggy asked surprised. 

I melted when she said Rocky Chanel never calls me that. 

"I'm just gonna say it" I said. 

"Say what? Are you okay?" She asked panicked. 

"Yeah I'm fine I just really miss you. I miss the smell of you on my pillow." I rushed out.

"Rocky I don't even know what to say..." she said trying to find words. 

"Don't say anything I just wanted you to know" I said relived I got it off my chest. 

"I really have to get ready for my show but I'll call you tomorrow if I can" she said hesitantly. 

"Alright I'll talk to you tomorrow."


"Bye... love you" Crap I wasn't suppose to say that out loud!!!

"Yeah bye Rocky" she said and hung up. 

I need to break up with Chanel but how. 

- Iggy's P.O.V -

"RAE !" I screamed from bunk bed.

"Whats wrong, what happened?" Rae said running into the room. 

"Rocky just called me" I said showing her the call history. 

"No way" she said looking at me then back at the phone.

"Yeah, and he told me he loved me after he said bye" I exclaimed. 

"How could this be happening he has a girl friend" she said trying to put the pieces together in her head.

"Wow we'll think about it later you got a show do" I sighed happily. I'm so glad I have a friend like Rae and maybe I'll get Rocky back too.

- Rocky's P.O.V - 

"Chanel put down your phone we need to talk" I. Said looking at the ceiling.

" No we don't need to talk Rakim" she said not looking up from her phone. 

"I'm breaking up with you Chanel it's over" I sighed heavily as I rubbed my face. 

"Why are you saying this all of a sudden is it because of that 'Iggy' bitch" she snapped throwing her phone down.

"If you call her a bitch one more time-" I said becoming furious. 

"What are you gonna do, huh" she asked with a smirk as if she was untouchable.

"Get the hell out of my house we're done. Don't call me. Don't come back. Do not text me. Do act like we're a couple, get out we're done" I growled looking her strait in the eyes. 

"Rocky please don't do this. We're just going through a rough patch. Come on I love you" she said as she latched on the my shirt. 

"That's the thing, I don't love you" I said quietly. 

"Yes you do we can work through this" she said nodding. Is she serious right now?

"Just go!" I yelled side stepping her and watching as she fell onto my bed. She cried for a good two minutes. 

"Are you serious right now? Get up, and get out right now" I huffed getting impatient.

"Fine but don't call me when she doesn't want your cheating ass back" she said collecting her things.

"Trust me babe I won't" I smirked. But she was right how am I going to get Iggy to take me back knowing I cheated on her. I was in deep thought and I looked up to she Chanel was gone what a relief. Now I just have to think of a huge way to get Iggy back. I'll start by sending some flowers to her tour bus. But right now I gotta hit the studio with Ferg. SHABBA!

- Iggy's P.O.V - 

"Yeah the crowd was so hype tonight" I said to Rae as we opened the door to my tour bus. 

"Cute roses who they from?" Rae asked. What the hell is she- I looked up from my phone to see a huge bouquet of at least 20 roses. I ran up and read the card.

You're beautiful on the I side and out.

I miss you 

- Rocky

"Awww look at this" I said as I handed the card to Rae. Rocky sure was up-ing his game but itsw gonna take more that flowers to earn my trust again. 

'Rocky' 11:00 

Goodnight Iggy, sleep well.

'Iggy' 11:02

Thanks for the flowers, night. 

I would take Rocky back in a heart beat but he has a girlfriend now. He clearly likes her a lot and is just trying to build a friendship with me so I'll keep my distance.

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