I Come Apart

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It was Saturday night and I laid awake in deep thought. I had earlier been reading a book but nothing could dull the emotions I was feeling. Everyday at around 1am it would all flood back in my mind in vivid pictures. I remember it like it was yesterday the very first time my heart was broken.


In grade 10.

There was this guy and his name was Jordan. My friends didn't think he was cute and to be honest at first I really didn't either. I got placed sitting next to him in the front of the class on the first day due to alphabetical order. He kept staring and tying to talk to me. I was constantly turned back and talking to Clara. Over time me and Jordan had become friends. Constantly texting each other. One day Clara, Rita, Jordan and I were hanging out. I heard Jordan say 'I like you'. He said it while looking at me so it must have been true.

I truly liked him back.

We started dating and not everything was going great due to the fact that we never showing affection. I thought nothing of it. Until I saw the way he looked at Clara I'd asked him about it but I knew he'd brush me off. So I left it alone. One day I saw them talking at lunch I was gonna walk up until I heard what they'd been talking about. Me. I never forget the words they spoke and the way the looked at each other.

"When are we gonna stop playing and be together Cara I'm so done waiting for you because of Iggy" Lucas said while playing with Claras hair.

"She's my best friend. Do you even like her why are you dating her I you wanted me." She replied.

"Simple. She was a gateway to my you babe."

Clara didn't seem surprised but how was she gonna tell Iggy. Mean while Iggy watched heartbroken.

"I'll break it off with her soon let's just be together now" Jordan said as he sweet talked her into getting a kiss. I could feel the dagger of betrayal in my heart as I watched them kiss. He didn't love me. I was glad I hadn't told him I loved him but nothing could make me feel better in that very moment.

My heart burned as I clutched fist together. I didn't even walk up to them to try and stop them. I wouldn't let them see me cry not now not ever. I held me head high and turned on my heels and went home.

Weeks had passed and I only went to school to get my homework and to do tests.

Rocky told me that Jordan and Clara had gotten together. He asked me when we broke up but I brushed him off. I hadn't spoken in full sentences for a month it'd be lie if I said I didn't cry my eyes out in my car after I'd saw them. But most of all I was angry.

-Flashback over-

I looked at the clock and say it was now 5am Jake laid next to me fast asleep. I went to the kitchen got out some ice cream and started eating. I watched some early morning cartoons then feel asleep on the couch. I woke up at around 3pm when I saw a missed call from Rocky. I sat up and called him back. After 2 rings he picked up.

"Hey Rocky you called"

"Iggy you reaching the mob house today? We miss you"

"Or you guys want me to cook?" I laughed

"Well yeah And I miss those lips besides I got you something"

"Did you guys buy the food"


"Okay I'm coming now then I'm bringing Jake"

"Okay babe, see you then."

With that I hung up and got dressed.

I'm scared Rocky will break my heart like Jordan did but i trust him.

I put Jake on a leash grabbed me side bag and keys then headed out. Soon I arrived at the mob house and I let me self in. I hadn't been here in over a week and the place was a mess there was even a girl half naked on the couch. I shook my head and headed to the kitchen. I cooked and the food was in the oven.

The mob came in and said hi and said they were working on something important in the studio and could t talk right now. I decided I would clean up a little the girl was still sleeping. Ferg said he fucked he fucked her and was gonna kick her out. I felt bad for her so I told him to leave her be. I went to the closet and got a sheet then covered her up with it. I then started to clean.

I cleaned the living room, hallways and Rocky's room. I've never been in the other mob members rooms and I was gonna keep it that way. I went to check the food and sure enough it was done. I went down to the studio and told the mob. I saw Rocky recording and was instantly pulled out of my funk.

The rest of the mob went upstairs to eat as me and Rocky stayed back.

"Hey baby I've been missing you"

"I've missed you too honey" I said as we kissed.

"So what did you get me okay come on its in my room" he lead me upstairs and saw that I cooked and cleaned.

"Bitch get up" Ferg said ripping the blanket off the girl. I heard Jake bark from the kitchen as he yelled. The girl clutched her exposed breast by instinct taking in her surroundings. I ran over and grabbed the blanket back from Ferg and draped it around her.

"Ferg stop it" I snapped at him.

"Yo man you got 20 mins to get the fuck out"

The girl looked sad for a moment but her expression quickly changed she found her clothes and left. I went up to Rocky's room to find him by his dresser.

"You cleaned"

"Yeah babe you were living in a mess" I said walking over to him.

Rocky opened his locked drawer and brought out a box and handed it to me.

"I got these custom made for you" Rocky smiled. I opened the box to find gold dog tags with in a fancy R on them.

"I love it Rakim. I love them and you" I only ever called him Rakim when I was getting a point across. I needed him to know I was telling the truth.

"I love you to" he said with I huge smile. We kissed and went downstairs to eat. We sat on the couch and watched TV as we ate. I couldn't hear Jake barking so I assumed he was with Nast. Me and Rocky spent some alone time together and he somehow convinced me to sleep over. We laid in his bed with Jake at our feet.

"Rocky you know you can tell me anything right"

"Yeah babe I know you got me and I got you"

"I wish we could lay lime this forever"

"Move in then" after that I sat up immediately.

"Are you being serious".

"Hell yeah you live to far and that complex is dangerous" Rocky said being completely serious.

"Is the mob okay with that?" I asked.

"Yeah babe the mob loves you but I think Nast likes you a little to much I saw that nigga eyes wandering" he said laughing.

"Thank goodness you noticed I thought I was the only one" I said relived.

"He clearly doesn't know your mine. Its cool though I'll lay it down for him in the morning". I laughed and soon after a couple more ones we both fell asleep.

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