Vibe With Me

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Ugh are you serious another hour another day of annoyance I thought as I hit snooze on my alarm. I got up and made my way to the bathroom and started my morning routine. 


Are you serious no one and I mean no one calls me in the morning. I got to my phone and oh now I see why it's Rocky. I smiled and picked up don't get me wrong he hurt me but he's cute. Get this I'm gonna answer but I'm not gonna say shiii. As I picked up the phone...

''Iggy I'm so glad you picked up does this mean you're talking to me now?'' He asks. His cuteness makes me smile but i cannot brake so I sighed loudly into the phone. 

'' Are you fo' real how you going to pick up the phone and not talk'' he said laughing it off. I bit my lip but i still wasn't about to break.

'' Oh I'm sorry did you forget tomorrow is day one we have gym first period'' he said. I knew he was smirking so i huffed into the phone.

'' See you at school ma'' he said and hung up. I sighed one more time hung up and made my way to the closet and picked out something simple. I knew it was going to be hot and I'm not about that hot and sweat life plus I was repping a Lana Del Rey shirt what else could a girl want? I made my way downstairs and walked into the kitchen and contemplated should I? No I can't I'll try again tomorrow I thought to myself as I walked out before I changed my mind. I grabbed my keys and backpack locked up and started to walk to school. I walked up to my locker and saw my friend Rita.

''Wassup bubble but'' Rita greeted with a smile still getting out her things.

'' Wagwan pop can'' I joked back. Rita left early but told me she'd meet me in gym. I gathered my things and closed my locked went to walk away went i bumped into someone..

'' Sor-'' I shut my mouth immediately when I saw who it was nahh we still and cool..It was rocky. As soon as i saw hit i rolled my eyes and put my hands on my hips with attitude and gave him a daring look. I was staring him down and i swear the man snapped he put on his angry face and full on pushed me into the lockers not enough to hurt me but enough to get my attention.

'' SAY SOMETHING TO ME ! How many times do I have to tell you I'm sorry I told you then and I'm telling you now I'm sorry. I know  I hurt you but come on Iggy! you know I like you and I know I like you if it makes you feel any better I didn't take the money from Jordan. I didn't mean to do you wrong like that. Just talk to me-'' he was pleading the last part when he got cut off.

 ''I've been standing here too long why haven't you moved yet I need to get to my locker!'' the kid yelled.

''Well damn'' I said as I grabbed Rocky's hand and headed towards the gym.

''Well talk after gym okay?'' I said with a smile Yes I know what you're thinking how are you forgiving this kid. It's simple I liked him and I had it bad.

Gym was over and I knew I needed to talk to Rocky sometime but I took my time changing what was I rushing for? After I was done changing I said bye to friends and walked out to see him waiting when he saw me he instantly smiled.

"Hey Iggy" he smiled. Can't lie I melted but he can't just think I forgave him....even though I did. But I had to stay strong.

 " Mhmmm what did you need to talk about so badly" I said my face looking clearly in impressed. 

 " I just wanted to ask you to coffee sometime. Just give me just one more chance to woo you." He said leaning of the wall and towering over me.

( in the story Rocky is taller than Iggy)

Damn he looked good today I thought licking my lips. 

"I don't know Rocky what you did was player-ish and I don't date players" I said spinning on my heels walking away. I was about done making my dramatic exit when he ran up behind me and grabbed my elbow and pulled me to him in a hug. Yeee boyyy if u try a win me over you did I thought. I couldn't hide my smile, then the unimaginable happened Rocky kissed the top of my head. YES LAWD. 

 "Please Iggy just let me take you out anywhere you want to go I'll take you. Just gimme a second chance." He said looking down at me. I tried to hide my smile then failed and he saw and knew I was about to give in.

 "Well I guess you can take me out" I say looking at his chest. He hugged me even tighter and spun me around. 

 " You're not going to regret this trust me Iggy'' he said smelling hard. 

 "Alright lover boy we'll see how things go" I say in a laugh. Then the end of school bell rang and I pushed him away I have to get home and feed my dog. 

 "Bye Rocky I have to get home text me later" I say walking away. As soon as I got to my car I was feeling good. Had to step my game up I knew what I was going to wear tomorrow. I drove home to be greeted by my black Labrador and only my dog I live alone. 

" what's up little man you miss me" I say in a baby voice I drop my bag and rub his head. I make my way to the kitchen and feed him. I had to walk him soon so I changed into my work out clothes ... and waited till he was done eating.   

- hours later-

 I walked Jake and went to bed I heard my phone buzz but I was too tired.

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