Baking Soda

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*Rocky's P.O.V*

I'm definitely feeling Iggy. I love her and she knows it I want her to move in because there's been to much temptation around the mob house lately and I might cheat. I don't trust myself. Iggy seemed down the past week only left her house for work I doubt she even bought any groceries. I just wanna take care of her. I looked down at her as she slept.

I know she gonna be the mother of my kids cause what we have is trill. She started to move in her sleep but end up just snuggling closer. She smells so good. I feel like a creep watching her but whatever this ma girl. I stayed in that spot and watched her for at least a half an hour until I decided to cook her something. I put on a hoodie and went down stairs to cook for Iggy. I looked back to see Jake still by Iggy's feet I guess he feels like he need to guard her. She need to be moving out that run down complex.

I know she doesn't have work today cause I checked her messages while she was in the tub last night she told me her password. I put my hood on and started to cook I know the mob was still asleep with they lazy asses they don't do much. I took put enough food for everyone. Good thing Iggy washed these dishes. I was in the middle of cooking when I felt arms wrap around me. I was wearing a hood so I couldn't see who it was by turning my head but I looked down to see they were Iggy's arms. So I relaxed.

"Morning babe" I greeted flipping a pancake.

"Hi honey" she said giving me a squeeze. I started to sway and I cooked and so did Iggy. The mob stomped down the stairs destroying the moment in the process. 

"Damn ma nigga you cooking n' shit" Yams laughed pick up a strip of bacon.

"Shut up Yams always fuckin up our shit" I said pulling Iggy in front of me being protective. Iggy just laughed and let me push her in front. Everyone laughed and as we ate our food. 

"Yeoo y'all niggas got ta be cleaning since I cooked" I said as I followed Iggy upstairs. They grunted and Jake barked but I was to busy watching Iggy I'm so lucky she's mine. We got to my room as Iggy started to put her shoes on. 

"Where you going?" I asked in confusion. She never leaves this early. 

"When you were cooking I got a call from Rich and he said that some online website wants me to model their high waisted clothes. He also said they're paying top dollar." She said throwing her phone to me. 

"Read me the directions while I fix my hair?" She asked as she walked to my dresser.

I did what she said and I read the directions. 

"Let me take care of you. You workin' too many jogs baby" I said as I walked up and pressed myself against her in a hug. 

"Rocky I could never let any man be my life source I got to work and earn enough for me and Jake." I said 

with a sigh as she braided her hair into two braids. 

"What about when you holding my son" I mumbled into her shoulder since I was slouching. 

"Maybe it'll be a girl but then and only then." She laughed. 

"Don't go!" I whined dragging out my words as I slid down her body and hugged her legs. 

"Rocky stop playing gotta get this money so I can buy the Givenchy shirt I been wanting." If there's one thing i know about Iggy its that she don't play when it cone to her shopping money . So I let the conversion go. I would offer to guy it for her but I know she would refuse. I kissed her thigh and let her do what she was doing. Knowing Iggy she might just fuck around and kick me. 

"Babe, will you drop me home I walked here and I really do t have time to walk back" she said slipping her phone in her bag and zipping it up. 

"Sure " I said as I got my keys and slipped on my adidas. We walked down stairs to find the mob watching tv. 

"Where yall going?" Twelvye asked looking up from his phone.

"I'm dropping Iggy hone she gotta work today" I said and I saw Nast staring at Iggy so I gave him the cut eye real quick and me and Iggy headed out with Jake on our heels. Think he can fuck around and look at my girl, his ass is mine when I get back to the house.

"You gonna move in this weekend?" I asked as we pulled up and I got out so I could walk her to her door. 

"Why do want me to move in so badly" she replied.

"You know I hate this complex. Is it a crime to wanna wake up next to my girl every morning?" I said throwing my arm around her. I knew I couldn't also tell her about how I felt tempted to cheat.

"Well if you feel so strongly about it I'll move in on Saturday." She said defeated.

"Aight babe imma head back and make some closet space for you" I said as I kissed her.

"Bye Rocky love you" she said as she opened her door and Jake ran I .

"Bye I love you too" I said giving her one last kiss. I got into my car as I got a text.

12:15 'Kim'

When we gon' chill Rocky

12:16 'Rocky'

We not chillin' anytime soon keep my name put ya mouth and atop texting me.

12:17 'Rocky'

You'll be back baby you always are.

12:18 'Kim'

Not this time my girl is trill and I'm gon' wife her up. You not a side chick your not even my friend so stop texting me.

That girl always gotta piss me off but I can see threw he trap. WE DON'T LOVE THESE HOES. I was glad I resisted the temptress but if Iggy let's me read her phone she going to expect she can read mine so I gotta set that thot straight so Iggy can reward me later.

-Iggy's P.O.V-

I got ready for my photoshoot with a quick shower. I didn't do my makeup because I knew they would.

I put on something nice you know what they say dress to impress.

I had an hour to get there so I set in the song that I finished to the label and put some food out for Jake and headed out. I bent down to kiss Jake then left. I was driving as I thought about Rocky and how much I trusted him. Him asking me to move in shows that he's not lime other guys and he'd never cheat on me. I love him and he loves nothing and no one can mess this up.


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