Pretty Flacko

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Life was looking up I had myself a man and my dream jobs. On the down side it was Monday and I had to get to school so I got dressed and did my regular routine and headed out. As usually school sucks. I saw Rita and Clara but I don't chill with them anymore so why say hi. I mean every since they've seen me with Rocky they started giving me looks.

Fuck a fake friend. 

​I was headed to class when someone slapped my butt I turned around so fast with my hand in the air ready to slap.

"Chill ma, what's yours is mine" Rocky said with his hand up.

 "Oh my gosh you scared me I thought you were a ragging pervert" I said hitting his arm. 

"Is that anyway to talk to your man" Rocky said throwing his arms around me. 

"Who said you were my man Rocky"  

"Don't play girl you're mine and only mine"  

"Yeah yeah"  

"Oh and don't forget to bring that booty to the mob house later" Rocky added as he licked his lips. 

"Rocky you have no chill" I laughed.

"Only for you babe" he said as he kissed me goodbye and made his way to class. I was smiling all through class he's so cute. School is so boring but thankfully I'm in grade 12 so the torture would soon be over. The last bell rang a d I made my way to my locker. I went into my room carrying Jake as I packed my duffle bag with my work stuff as I gave Jake kisses. I need to start spending more time with this dog. My duffle bag was packed as I got a text from Rocky. 

4:00 'Rocky' 

Where you at boo

4:01 'Iggy' 

I'm on my way I was just vibing with the bae.Don't worry I'm on me way now. 

4:02 'Rocky'  

Who's this base you speak of? 

4:03 'Iggy' 

My puppy Jake  

With that end text I walked over to the mirror and took a selfie with Jake. Rocky gets jealous so easily. With that I sent him the pic of me and Jake as I made my way to the kitchen. I quickly got a drink and then picked up my duffle bad and keys then headed out.  I pulled up outside the Mob house and walked to the door. Before I could knock the door opened and Rocky pulled me in and kissed me. Before I knew it we were in his room. 

"You're gonna wear that to dance for me?" Rocky said looking at my jeans. 

"Oh yeah lemme change I looked around for my bad and realized I had left it by the door. I ran down the stairs quickly. As I got to the bottom I saw Nast. 

"Hey Iggy, Rocky's upstairs" he said giving me a look I couldn't identify. 

"Oh I know I was just getting my bag"

  "You're gonna sleep over?"

"Don't be ridiculous I'm just chilling here then going strait to work I've got work at 8" I said with a laugh I knew I told him more than necessary but I liked Nast he's a cool guy. We hailed each other up and went our sperate ways. I walked back into Rocky's room and he was just watching TV. I got my shorts and shirt out and went to change. 

"Change right here" 

"Or nah you'll see my thong"  

"Iggy I'll also see it once we're married" Ugh it was whatever so I took my jeans off I new he was watching me but that was my man. I finished changing. I picked up my phone and set it in Rocky's phone dock. I pushed in out of the way as I set up a chair for him to sit in. He pretty much ran to it. I laughed as I started to tie his hands.

"Iggy the fuck" 

"I want you to feel the dance, but not with your hands. In other words no touching" I said as I came up from behind the chair and kissed his jaw. I didn't hear him protest so I walked to the phone and decided to dance to Aidonia - Pon Di Cocky first.  As the song started I walked in a circles around Rocky twice the when the beat became steady I started to grind and tick on him and in his face. The chair started shaking and I knew Rocky was trying to get his hands free. 

"Babe when I said no touching I meant no moving either" I said as I straddled him and put my hands on his shoulders. I continued to grind and soon enough Rocky started to grind back I didn't protest but we started kissing. Some where in between his hand came undone and were on my butt. 

*loud knocking* 

"Yeo nigga what's good" Yams yelled. 

"Fuck outta here, I'm busy" Rocky yelled breaking away from the kiss. 

"What you doing that so important" Yams said.

"I'm with my girl I'll meet you downstairs in an hour"  With that I heard his footsteps fade away down the hall. I looked around for a clock and I saw it was 7:30. I quickly rushed to get off Rocky and to my bag to changed into my waitress uniform.  

"Where you going" Rocky asked in a daze.

"Why didn't you tell me the time you know I've got work. I took of my T-shirt and replaced it with a button down. I knew Rocky was watching but I couldn't be late. I finished changing and I packed up my stuff and put my phone in my back pocket. I turned around to see him staring at me.  "What" 

"Be my girl" 

"I am your girl" I said putting my hair in a ponytail.

"No my girlfriend, be my girlfriend" he said completely serious.

"All you had to do was ask" I smiled as I kissed him. I headed out to work and made it on time since the mob house was close to the restaurant. I worked the whole night with a huge smile on my face and got lots of tips.  Trap Gold was packed just the way I liked it Frank said there might be some talent scouts and to do an extra song. Frank may be annoying at times but I knew he wanted me to succeeded. So I went on stage with a smile because I knew he was rooting for me.

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