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It's been a month since I'd spoken to Nast. I catch him staring sometimes but he does't bother to look away anymore. It makes me sad that he no longer wants to be my friend as long as i'm with Rocky but it's too bad because i love him. June is coming in a couple days and with June comes my birthday, I don't know what all the rave is with birthdays it's just like any other day. It's the last day of May and everyone in the Mob is planning me a huge party. I told them i didn't want want one but they insisted.

They said their inviting everyone that used to go to school with us. Including Clara, Rita and Jordan. They set up the party to be at Trap Gold so i guess i'm down for it. I have to preform since Frank want to charge people who don't have an invite (my fans). I don't blame him though. I walked around the mall as I tried to find a cute outfit and stage costume. After a an hour of walking around i found what i was looking for. I missed my apartment so much i couldn't take it.

I found myself driving to my apartment rather than the mob house. I arrived at my apartment door and opened it. It looked just as i left it. This was my home not at the mob house i even have a mob tattoo I love them but living with them it just weird. Too up close and personal for my liking but it's what Rocky wanted. I had to get back without anyone noticing the time gaps. No one in the mob new i still had this place and i want it to stay that way.

- Back at the mob house-

''Hey babe you get your outfit sorted out?'' Rocky said greeting me with a kiss. I kissed back but breifly because i saw Nast on the couch. I dropped my bags as Jake ran from Nast to jumping onto my legs.

''Hey Iggy'' Nast said flatly before leaving the room. I was surprised he said anything but nonetheless happy.

''Sleep well Nast'' I yelled after him while he was still in the room. To my surprise he looked back and smiled. He hasn't smiled at me in a month and 3 days. I cherished the moment. I looked back to find Rocky staring at me i didn't know what he was thinking about and i didnt want to.

''Wanna see the things i bought'' I said as i picked up my bags and looked at Rocky.

''Hell yeah'' He said. I walked up the stairs with Rocky on my heels and Jake on his. That reminds me he needs to go to the vet tomorrow. I modeled the stuff for Rocky just like he wanted. It was soon after and me and Rocky were chilling and lounging around the room. Rocky was by the bed rolling a blunt and i was by the dresser when he got a text.

''Babe will you read that for me'' He said hearing the loud vibration. It better not be some hoe. I froze when i read the text.

'Kim' 11:00

I miss you Rocky, Come over tonight.

''I miss you Rocky, Come over tonight'' I read aloud this time.

I regained my composer and read it aloud and as soon as i did Rocky's head snapped right up.

- Rocky's Point of view-

My head snapped up from my bunt so fast i think i snapped my neck.

''Who's it from'' I asked slowly.

''Kim'' she said not looking up from my phone. I knew that she started to scroll up and she the rest of the messages with Kim.

''Mhmm'' She mumbled showing no emotion and looking up at me. I lifted an eyebrow at her I'm guilty of nothing.

''Rakim, if i catch you around or texting this girl we're don you hear me?'' I ggy said glaring at me.

"I don't want her I want you" I said walking over to her.

"You'd better not be lying. Don't think for a second I won't hesitant ate to leave you if you cheat on me" She said back. I knew at that moment Iggy wasn't kidding but I love her she never gonna leave me.

"You ain't never gonna leave me" I said grabbing her hands looking her strait in the eyes.

"Let me go right now" she said trying to slap my hands away.

"You're mine now and forever you're not leaving cause I haven't cheated" I said to her.

"Mhmm" she replied. I thought she was done fighting so I loosened my grip. After I did sure enough I got a slap across my face. My hand lifted to my cheek in surprise as I gaped at Iggy. After she slapped me she just walked away like it was nothing and into the closet.

"Umm Iggy?" I called after her.

"Yes Rakim" said called back. She walked back out with her Adidas duffle bag on her shoulder.

"Were you going babe" I questioned carefully.

"I'm gonna go feed Jake then I'm going to the gym" I knew by the tone of her voice she was pissed.

"Iggy come on I'm sorry. I don't even fuck with her she just always texting me" I say it was true because I haven't texted her for a booty call since forever.

"Alright" she said as she poured out the dog food not bothering to look at me.

"That's it?" I say angrily I'm getting real tired of this she gon' run up and slap me then I've me one word answers!

"Yup" she said while petting Jake.

''You gonna just slap me and not say nun?'' I asked breathing heavy.

''We'll talk when i get back'' She said as she left slamming the door.

- Iggy's point of view-

I'm so tired of Rocky thinking I'm a fool. I may be overreacting but I feel like he's been texting her before. I parked outside of the gym and went inside. I went strait to the punching bags. A few sleaze bags tried to talk to me but i only turned up my music and kept punching. I have a bad feeling about this Kim girl but if i see her with Rocky she can have him.

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