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I can't believe me and Rocky kissed last night. What does this mean for us. I'm still so shocked and angry. I mean of course I wanna be his girl again but how can I trust him after what he did. The bus is on its way to the next stop and the mob is following behind because that's where their bus is waiting. I don't even know what I'll do when I see him hug? Shake hands? Kiss? Ignore each other? Are we gonna fight every single signing, meet and greet and twerk competition. Maybe I'll just avoid him till I find out what I'll do. 

- At the sound check - 

I was laughing and going over things with my dancers when I saw Rocky talking to the security guard about to get it I quickly ran to my dressing room before he could see me. I haven't even begun to think about what I'm gonna say to him. I pressed my ear against the door to see if the coast was clear. 

"Have you seen Iggy?" I heard Rocky ask.

"She was right here a minute ago" the voice replied. 

"Alright thanks man" Rocky replied as I heard him walk away. That was so close I'll just deal with him after the show. I went to hair and makeup to get ready as I took the back way where all the tech guys would be just to cut chances of running into Rocky. 

After my makeup was done I had to go all the way back to the bus to get dressed in my costume. How the hell would I make it with out seeing Rocky. I was running to my tour bus when I heard my name being called. I looked back to see Twelvye and Ferg. 

"Yeooo Iggy what's good! Rocky's looking for you ya know" Ferg said. 

"Oh" I said acting clueless looking around checking my surroundings for him. 

"Anyways.... have you seen Rae anywhere?" Twelvye asked looking hopeful. 

"Nope but I'll send her your way. I really gotta go bye guys" I said as I ran off hearing them yell bye. I got safety in the bus when I walked in and saw Rae sitting on the couch with her head in her hands. She looked up as she heard my foot steps. 

"Iggy thank goodness your here you wouldn't be able to guess what happened last night" she rushed out. 

"I have something to tell you about last night too. But you go first" I said sitting down next to her. 

"Me and Twelvye kissed last night and he walked me back to the bus but when we got here he told me some foolishness about taking it slow" she said trying to make sense of it. 

"The same thing happened with me and Rocky at the signing. Minus the whole talking it slow thing" I said.

"What do I saw when I see him do I give him space or?" She questioned. 

"Don't give him space he's currently looking for you girly" I said with a smile. 

"Really?" she asked with a smile. 


"Well what are you gonna do about Rocky?" She asked clearly looking better.

"I don't even know I was a mess the last time I saw him. He told me he want to treat me like a princess, I was hitting him he kissed me, I cried, he consoled me. And now I'm hiding from him" I explained.

"Aww he called you his princess! Why are you binding from him then?" She said looking at me like I was an idiot. 

"What am I suppose to say to him! Forget it I'll talk to him after the show let's go get ready" I said dismissing the conversation.

- After the show - 

"Iggy can I talk to you" Rocky said pulling me out of the crowd of dancers. He took me to the dressing room and locked the door. 

"Why have you been avoiding me today?" Rocky asked crossing his arms.

"I don't know" I said playing with my hair. 

"How are we gonna work through this if your ignoring me" he said walking closer to me. He stood in front of the couch and motioned for me to come to him.

"What is there to talk about I was a complete mess last night" I said walking over to him. As soon as I got close enough he pulled me down on him so I was sitting bridal style in his lap.

"You weren't a mess" Rocky said as he squeezed me in a hug.

"Where do we go from here?" I asked as I extended my legs and halfway lied down. 

"Give me a fresh start and a chance to win you back" he said looking me in my eyes. 

"I don't know if I-" I started tying to get up.

"Please I'll wouldn't dream of hurting you again like I did. Just give me one more chance" he said pulling me even closer when u tried to get up. 

"Okay, but let me ask you something" I said. 


"Why didn't you try to chase after me when I caught you in the back room at Trap Gold?" I asked as my eyes watered. 

"It all happened so fast and after you left Kim tried to hug me but I pushed her and she fell and she started to cry and scream, my dick was out, people came in when they heard Kim screaming. She fuck around and told them I was hitting her and forcing the sex on her. They tried to beat me up and shit. The mob ran in and got the guys to fall back" Rocky explained. I wanted to roll my eyes at his story. 

"Okay" I said.

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