Change Your Life

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Even though I think Rocky's story is complete crap, I'm still going to give him another chance because I love him. The tour is still happening whether or not we're together so we might as well be. I've been lying in bed all day listening to Frank Ocean, everything's fine but I'm just not sure I can trust Rocky. Just then someone busted in my room.

''Rae?'' I called out as I opened the curtain of my bunk.

''Nah, it's me Rocky, wassup'' Rocky said coming in and closing the door.

''I don't feel like talking Rocky'' I said rolling over.

''Come with me then'' he said.

''Where?'' I asked annoyed.

''Let's go get lit'' he smiled back. Now where talking. I thought as I said nothing and followed him to him tour bus. Rocky was surprisingly cool with me not wanting to speak we hadn't said a word since we left my room. I liked this silence, just chilling with my man and rolling a big one. I have a show later but I think I'll be normal by then. We sat there in silence just smoking for a while,then I really started feel it.

''Your story yesterday was complete shit and you know it'' I said calmly breaking the silence and blowing O's. Surprisingly Rocky didn't say anything but he inhaled for the longest time I wondered if he'd heard me.

''Give me a kiss'' he said as he blew his smoke at me coming close to my face. This boy fo' real if i wasn't so high I might have killed him, so I just stayed in the spot I was in and squinted my eyes at him as I inhaled. He pulled me closer to him by my legs and began kissing all over my face. I didn't want to let him win this fight because he hadn't answered my question, so I just kept blowing O's.

''Girl, stop playing'' Rocky said as he leaned up and stopped kissing me and took a puff. I sighed and keep smoking I never wanted him to stop but I did want an answer. I sat up on his bed with a mouth full of smoke and blew it all and Rocky and then rolled over on my stomach.

''Bruh, you can blow smoke at me but you can't give me a kiss'' Rocky said slapping my butt and then started to knead it with his hands. I knew he was gonna do that and i didn't mind. I got out my phone and played some biggie.

''Damn this is my song, how'd you know!'' Rocky said as he gave my but a squeeze. I swear this boy don't know nun about not talking. I finished my blunt from time so I just watched Rocky smoke. He went to exhale and I kissed him just like he asked.

- At The B.E.T Awards -

I'm not really up for doing my show later and I really don't feel like talking to anyone so I'll just take a walk. As soon as I was about to leave the change room I bumped into someone.

"Sorry" I said as I looked up to see who it was. Oh my gosh it was August Alisina and he's taller than me!

"Nah, that's my bad ma" he said licking his lips and looking down at me. He is so cute and those tattoos are so sexy. Is he talking to me right now? His lips look so soft.

"Are you okay?" he asked me bending down to my height.

"Yeah, I just remembered something important" I said embarrassed. I have to act normal.

"Wanna hang out sometime?" August asked rubbing the back of his neck.

"I would love that" I smiled. August and I exchanged numbers and decided to keep in touch.

August and I have been talking non stop every since the award show. I'm getting ready for out dinner date right now.

"Rae! Come here for a second" I said peeping my head through my bedroom door.

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