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I was chilling in my room listening to music and petting Jake. Soon I would reach my money goal and be able to move out I was tired of living in this disgusting complex. I got out my laptop and decided to watch a movie. Clara messaged me the other day to say hey. I said hey what's good but she never replied. Its whatever though as long as the mob is with me. 
 Lately me and the mob were discussing me getting an A$AP tattoo. Since they've been the squad for a long time I'm down. I started writing some lyrics down for a song I'm working on. I decided to forget the movie since I wasn't feeling it anymore.

 1:38 'Rocky' 
 What's good babe. You reaching the mob house today?

 1:40 'Iggy' 
 Yeah sure I was just writing some lyrics down. But if I come I'm hitting the studio and bringing Jake.

1:41 'Rocky' 
Iggy that dog loud as shit. 

 1:42 'Iggy' 
 He helps me brainstorm. I have to finish this song in 2 days.

 1:42 'Rocky'
 Man whatever come through

 With that I change into

 ~ ~

 I put Jake on his leash and put on my backpack on with my overnight stuff and held my song book in my hand. I decided to walk to the mob house I knew Rocky wouldn't want Jake to sleep over but this is my baby. I reached the mob hours in under 40 minutes and opened the door. The guys trusted me and wanted me to have a key. They said it was not a big deal but in my eyes it was huge.

 I walked inside and smiled as I smelt the usual smell of the house.

 "You better be a good boy for mommy you understand or I'll yell and I know you don't like that" I said and I crouched down and spoke to Jake in a strong voice. This dog better have know I wasn't playing.

 "Damn you can be my mommy" I heard someone laugh.

"Shut up Rocky" I said in a laugh. I noticed Jake still sat in the same position. He didn't even bark either. 

"Good boy" I said as I picked him up. He was getting big but not that big. I kissed him on the ear as I walked of to Rocky. I put Jake down and unleashed him. 

"Go to Nast" Jake quickly ran up the stairs to Nast's room. I was surprised he still knew where it was. 

"Give mommy a kiss" I said as I put my arms around Rocky's torso.

"Yas maaa" Rocky said Harlem shaking. We laughed and head toward the home studio. Rocky sat in the seat in front of the controls and patted his lap. I sat on his without hesitation and sat down and started setting a beat for the song i was currently writing.

Everything was good and i was pretty much done the song i just needed a hook. 

''I'm soo hungry man!'' 

''Hell yeah nigga I stay hungry''

''I would roll on but that wouldn't help shit''

The mob all said as the started to lazily hit each other.

''Nigga the fuck out outta here. You finna gon' slap me!'' 

I laughed as i watched to mob fight.

''Do you want me to cook for you guys?'' I asked laughing as i sat next to Twelvye.

''Would you?'' They all said asked. I laughed and nodded and walked into the kitchen as Jake followed. They didn't have much in their fridge because they were always ordering pizza so i just made them pasta. 

 I wasn't surprised when they at it like it was their last meal I just laughed ate mine while talking my time.

I looked up from eating when I saw Nast Staring at me I quickly looked down. Nast has been looking at me weird every since that day I dance for Rocky. If I didn't know any better I'd say he liked me but I'm probably just buggin Talk about saved by the bell I thought as I heard my phone ring. I walked over to the stove were i had left it. I signaled for the mob to shut up and answered.

''Oh hey Rich''

''Iggy you have a photo shot tomorrow at 11am are you free''

''Does my contract allow me to be free?'' I laughed.


''Then no I'm not free. I'll be there text me the address'' With that we had a mutual hang up. I went to my text to see he did send me the information. I sat back down at the table and looked up to find the mob staring at me.


''Nun'' They all said in unison. We all finished and I knew they were lazy so I collected all their dishes and washed them I was washing dishes as I felt someone hug me from behind I got scared and drop the dish. 

''Chill ma it's just me'' Rocky said into my hair. 

''Don't do that you scared me half to death'' I said relaxing and picking the dish back up.

''Damn look at you washing dishes and cooking i should wife you up'' Rocky said.

''Just say the word babe'' I said back. I finished washing the dishes and decided to leave the hook to tomorrow. It wasn't a bad idea since i had already recorded everything. I was in the bath tub as my phone played music and Jake was sitting out side the tub i could tell he was gonna fall asleep. I was in deep thought as Rocky walked in i didn't bother hiding myself since i was deep in the water. It couldn't have been anybody else because Rocky had his own bathroom.

''Yes Rocky''

''Girl you aint special I gotta pee'' He joked he walked over to the toilet. He finished washed his hands and left. I was surprised he didn't care i was sleeping over. I dried off and put on one of Rockys big shirts that i made she wasn't name brand and lied down with him. He wrapped him arm around me and I felt Jake sit on our- i mean Rockys edge of the bed. Maybe i was getting to comfortable and this was too good to be but I life was on my side.

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