I think She Ready

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It's been two years since I met Rocky, We didn't like each other at first, but now we're closer than ever. It's been a year since I fell in love with Rocky, I haven't found the courage to tell him yet. I probably never will, he thinks of me as a little sister. Now that we're in grade twelve I have to get him to fall for me because I know I won't be able to just come out and tell him that I love him. I've been on a mission to get him to notice me for a year. The moment I realized I loved him I started to take everything more seriously; I brought up my grades, I started working out, eating better and even lost 20 pounds. No matter what I did Rocky kept messing around with the easy girls. I know what you're thinking "why change yourself all for a guy?" and to that I say Rocky's not just any guy. I truly believe he's the man I'm meant to spend the rest of my life with. Monday Mornings are always a drag, but Rocky always manages to make every day a moment to remember. He always jokes around with me like I'm his little sister, but it's better than nothing.

Rocky and I were in the hallway wrestling right before last period when I took his hat, when he came running at me I ran to the girls bathroom as cover.

''You think that'll stop me?'' he said as he busted threw the door grabbing me. He started tickling me he was about to take my hat but I was having the worst hair day ever.

''You think that'll stop me?'' he said as he busted through the door grabbing me. He started tickling me he was about to take my beanie, but I was having the worst hair day ever.

'' No'' I laughed in protest slightly embarrassed.

''Damn girl you need to fix this'' he laughed and stop tickling me.

''You don't say?'' I retort my voice dripping in sarcasm. I went to the mirror and started to put my hair in two braids. I bent over the counter a bit to get a betterview of my part and the next thing I know is Rocky is all up against me. ''Damn'' he breathed as he grinded. I stopped braiding my hair as my hands started to shake. I've been waiting for him to like me in this way for the longest time.

''Am I making you nervous'' He asked me his voice barely above a whisper with a smile on his face. As he put his head on my shoulder I silently begged for someone to walk through the door so I wouldn't have to answer his question. The only thing I would change about this moment is the mirror betraying my cool exterior by showing off my every expression including my blushing for Rocky to see.

'Pull it together Iggy You got this' I thought to myself attempting to gathering my composer. I slowly started to braid again because let's face it, it was a seriously bad hair day. After I was done braiding I was spun around quickly by Rocky so we'd be face to face and he started getting really close.

''You wouldn't'' I breathed knowing damn well that he would.

''You want a bet?'' he said then kissed me. Little did I know what he said wasn't just a choice of words.

We kissed for a the longest time I was sure we'd be late for art so I pulled away. We were looking in each other's eyes when a huge rush of panic came over me as I realized what just happened where we were.

''Oh my gosh we're both thing girls bathroom what are we going to do, what will people say!'' I said as I started pacing.

''Chill Iggy you know the teachers don't care'' he chuckled.

''but-'' I started

''No buts baby girl let's just get to class'' he said stealing a kiss. Baby girl? I could get used to that. Then as I started heading for the door when Rocky pelvic slammed my butt and I hit the door. Even after that he still proves to be so immature.

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