Been Around The World‏

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I got back to the house having cooled off and went straight to the fridge. I don't know what it is but I always drink milk after working out. I closed the fridge to see the devil himself. 

"Iggy" Rocky said. I could tell he was still made about me slapping him in the face. I felt so good when I did it too. 

"Yeah babe" I said getting a cup.

Play it off Iggy. 

"How was the gym?" Rocky asked crossing his arms and leaning against the fridge. 

"It was great, I did some running,boxing-" I started to answer but was cut off. 

"Cut the crap Iggy. you think you gonna fuck around and slap me and then act like shit didn't happen?" He spat getting closer with every step. 

"Yeah I hit you. what else is there to it? If you had hit me back, you would have gotten kicked right back" I said looking him in the eyes as I drank my milk. I could see how made that mad Rocky. He looked at me, shook his head threw his hands up then left. 

"Troubles in paradise" Nast said as he came up from the basement with Jake following. 

"Oh hey Nast, Hey baby did you miss mommy" I said as I bet down showering Jake with kisses. 

"Ferg is right I'm jealous of that dog too. But you got guts Iggy" Nast said smiling down at me. 

"What aware you talking about" I said putting some water out for Jake.

"I know you slapped Rocky for texting Kim, hell the whole mab knows it he was screaming to the roof tops when you left" Nast said as he laughed a bit.

"Hell yeah Iggy you put that nigga in his place" Twelvye laughed as he came from the basement with a bowl. 

"That's none of your consern you guys and it was a one time thing" I said waving them off. 

"Come on baby let's go" I said to Jake as I picked up my adidas bag and started to walk up the stairs.

"You a boss bitch Iggy" Yams said coming from the hall. 

"Shut up you guys its nun yah bidness" I yelled. I walked upstairs to find Rocky on the phone. 

"Where's this place at? Ohhhhhh alright yeah.....Next week? Alright yeah but not on Friday Iggy's birthday and party are on that day and we going big....Alright text me the time...bye" Rocky said into the phone while starting me down as I put my stuff away. It was cute he wanted to do it big for my birthday he gone get it. I walked up and kissed him. His eyes were open for a while but he kissed back. 

"Friday night babe" I said as I stopped Rocky before it got to serious. 

"All the way?" Rocky asked still trying to kiss me. 

"Yeah" I said. Friday was the night I'd give him my v-card. I got up and then looked down at Jake. 

"No no no you need a bath. Tomorrow we'll get you looking good at the dog salon" I said petting Jake before I went into the bathroom to take a shower.

-Night of Iggy's birthday -

"You almost ready babe?" Rocky asked as me licked his lips. 

"Yeah just now" I said as I closed my eye liner, turned my curler off and walked over to my heals.

"You look beautiful birthday girl" Rocky said ass he put on his Tims. 

"Thanks babe, let's go get the mob ad head out" I said as I smoothed my hands over my dress. 

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