Kissin' Pink

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It's been a week since the night when Rocky first called. He's been calling and sending flowers every night since. I don't even know why because he's dating someone. I haven't really asked about her because it really isn't my place. His ASAP tour is supposed to combine with mine at the next stop. I'm not sure how I feel about that but my manager made it clear it wasn't my call to make.

I'm currently lying in my bunch with the curtain closed. I'm scared to see the whole mob because when they do shows they all come on stage even if they aren't rapping. Its weird but I never questioned it. The set up for the show at the next stop is my set my usual twerk competition but hosted by he mob. I don't even want them to host it cause I don't want Rocky to be touching those girls. Yep I'm the jealous type. I sighed as I plugged it my headphones to listen to some music.

"Iggy! Get up right now the mob is right outside that door" Rae said as she ran in and shut the bedroom door and ran over to me. So much for music.

"Don't lie they can't be" I said in disbelief. Just then I heard Yams and his annoyingly loud voice.

"Oh my gosh Twelvye is on the same bus as me, breathing the same air!" Rae yelled fangirling.

"Are you kidding me I'm not even wearing makeup!" I continued ignoring her. I was so not looking forward to human interaction today especially with the mob.

I got up immediately when I heard glass break.

"What the hell you guys!" I yelled as I bursted through the doors and saw that Yams dropped his Jack Daniels bottle.

"All you guys do is make messes" I said mean mugging Yams as I got the broom.

"Same old Iggy" they laughed in unison as the ran up to hug me.

"We missed you so much" Ferg said slapping Rocky on the back signaling for him to speak up.

"I missed you guys too" I smiled. We talked for a while and decided to got to lunch since we'd been driving the previous day and night and the driver need to sleep. We took all separate cars and of course they pushed me to go with Rocky. I didn't mind but Rae and Ferg literally pushed me into the car by force and almost crushed my fingers in the door.

"Why so distant?" Rocky asked as he shut off the radio.

"You're right I'm just gonna be forward with you do you currently have a girlfriend? I'm not catching feelings by myself." I said openly looking at the side of his head. His braids look fresh.

"Seriously?" He asked doing a double take to look at me.

"Of course I am are you not dating that girl from the fashion show? What's her face? Chanel!" I said kind of rambling.

"Iggy I broke up with her a week ago the day after I called you." He said with a smile.

"Why would you do that?" I asked.

"I thought I made it clear but I want you back Iggy and I'll do whatever it takes to regain your love, trust and affection. Besides she was crazy" he said as we pulled up to the restaurant to see that the mob and Rae were standing up and waiting. I have to tell Rae I looked up to see she was with Twelvye and the were standing next to each other getting their flirt on. Okay girl!. Lunch went well but of course there wasn't a table big enough for all of us so they split us up in fours. Me, Rocky, Rae and Twelvye were obviously put at the same table Nast looked kinda mad but I'm over trying to please him. All those times I've texted him to be ignored. Whatever he needs to get over it. We were on our way back to the tour bus and I was in the car with Rocky.

"How crazy was she?" I asked with a smile.

"What are you- OHHH man Iggy don't even get me started she was a crazy" Rocky said emphasizing the word crazy as he shut of the radio.

"You said that but everyone's a little bit crazy" I laughed.

"Nah she was next level on some shit crazy" he said shaking his head.

"She always used to slap the blunt out of my hands.right onto my rug!" He said shuddering at the thought.

"The Versace rug in front of the bed?" I asked.

"Yup" he nodded.

"Is she crazy that rug beautiful!" I laughed.

"I know right!" Rocky said completely serious.

"Rocky I'm kidding but the blunt thing I get...why do you love that rug so much anyway" I laughed.

"Who wouldn't love it, its Versace" Rocky said flashing his million dollar smile.

A little bit later we were all laughing in the bus and sitting around my dancers had even come over from the crew bus to hang put with us. By now everyone had paired up and the conversations were cut to whispers and hair flips.

It lasted for about 2 hours till the bus driver told everyone he was ready to start driving again and to get settled everyone hugged and said bye as the mob left and the dancers went back to their bus. After all we would see them at the next stop.

-During the show -

"Everybody ready to twerk" I yelled into the mic.

"Yaass Iggy I was born ready" one girl scream. I laughed as the music to drop that started to play.

"What hold on DJ I got a surprise planned" I said strutting across the stage.

"We got special guest here to crown queen twerk" I said flipping my hair dramatically and posing. As soon as I posed the while ASAP Mob ran from back stage with mic.

"Ya'll ready!!" Ferg scream hyping.

"Lemme hear you say drop that shit!" I yelled jumping.

"Drop that shit!" The mob screamed back with the crowd then coming closer to me. We did that a dew more time till the song started. As soon as the beat dropped every girl started to twerk and they were good. The mob was rubbing up on them. I ignored it as I rapped and danced with the randoms. I saw Rocky touch a couple girls and I got mad. I'm not even sure why we're not together. The song ended and the mob took over and did their set.

- Later on backstage -

The mob and I were doing a signing and meet and greet and of course they sat me next to Rocky.

"Psst Iggy" Rocky said as he poked me with his sharpie.

"Oh my gosh Rocky will you sign my chest right here" she said undoing her buttons. He did what she asked and sighed. I was beyond mad but I can't be mad because we're not together.

"Iggy will you sign my butt?" a guy asked. He was kinda gross so I was trying to find words to say no.

"No she won't" Rocky said mean mugging him as he put on his hood.

"Here honey I'll sign your poster" I said reaching for it looking at his crushed expression.

"Um Rocky let me talk to you for a sec" I said through clenched teeth.

"I don't think I-" he started. I interrupted him by pulling him out of his chair and pushing him into the change rooms.

"What the hell was that Rakim! You can sign boobs but I cant sign a guys butt!" I yelled.

"I don't want you touching any other guys but me" he said. I punched him in the chest.

"You're such a hypocrite Rakim! We broke up because you cheated on me but I can't do something for a person I'll never see again" I yelled hitting him again.

"Iggy take me back and I'll treat you like a princess. I know I hurt you but I can't live without you" he said grabbing my wrists to stop me from hitting him.

"On my freaking birthday Rakim! You sure know how to make me feel like a Queen. You -" I was cut off my a kiss. My eyes were wide open till I realized what he was doing. I closed my eyes and kissed back like my life depended on it. I missed these lips. He pulled away from the as I cried. He hugged me as I cried clutching onto his shirt.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" he whispered as he rubbed my back.</pre>

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