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Today was the day I'd get a call from Rich and maybe even Rocky. I chilled as a drew doodle on my homework and vibed to the beats I was making. I was waiting for either a phone call or a text to brighten my day not that I was sad. I got up to go to the bathroom as I dragged my feet being lazy. After all it was 9 am I just couldn't sleep. I was just about at the door when my phone rang. I stopped in my tracks as I ran to man phone and saw it was Rich. YES. 

'' Hey Rich'' I answered playing it cool.

'' Hey Iggy, Can you come into work today I showed your pictures to Levi jeans and they were very impressed with you stats. In other words they want you to come in'' Rich said happily. 

 '' I would love to go, what time? Where?'' I asked excitedly.

 ''Oh dear Iggy so enthusiastic'' He said as he proceeded to give me the information. By the end of the phone call I was practically dancing. They wanted me to be the face of the company due to my curves. 

 *Ring Ring*

I didn't bother to look at the screen name.

 '' Hello?''

''Yo Iggy, why you play like you don't know who it is boo''  From the corny joke I already knew it was Rocky

''Hey Rocky, what's up'

' "Nun much just wondering if you wanted to hang out today" 

 "I'm sorry Rocky I can't to today I have work at 12 pm then I leave there to go to the diner then to my gig" I replied sadly I really did want to go see him.

"I'll come to the gig and with you do your thing Iggy I got chu" he offered.

"You really wanna come see perform? Because Frank wants me to up my game tonight I have to twerk with my dancers." I said as I tested the waters he might get mad. 

"I'm the only person you should be twerking for" he said in a serious tone. 

" Rocky I have a contract" I whined. He was silent for a while.

" I'll come to your show and not get mad if you give me a private show" he said. I didn't have to see him to know he was smirking.

"Boy stop playing" I laughed. Of course I was going to do it but he was going to have to but in work! 

"Come on Iggy" he pleaded with a laugh.

"Okay when" 

"Come on i- wait did you just say yes?" 

"Yes Rocky when do you want me to twerk for you" I laughed as I started to layout my outfit for my Levi jeans photo shoot.

"Monday right after school ride with me and the mob and when we get to the mob house you can perform for me" he said laughing at the last part. I thought it over it didn't sound like a bad idea I just have to cone hone first to feed Jake.

"If I am going I'd have to go home first to feed Jake and gt my work clothes and leave strait from there".

"Ight babe as long as you bring that booty" he laughed. We wrapped up the conversation cause I really needed to get going for my photo shoot. I set out a little bit more food for Jake and kissed and petted his head and headed out. 

Its a good thing they did my makeup because the shoot went long then I expected. I drove strait to Trap Gold after the shoot because I had to rehearse with the dancers. Time was ticking so I changed into my costume and set up my stuff. Since I agreed to twerk Frank said he'd DJ. 
Sure enough there was Rocky and the mob posted up in the VIP section. Every mob member had a they under their arms in hopes to hit it. Rocky didn't, I like that.
I went up on stage and as soon as I caught the light as my song was playing and I was rapping all my troubles melted away.
After the performance I walked of and I knew my knees were fine because I put on knee pads. Everyone seemed to love me twerking so Frank gave me a raise and longer set time. I would soon be able to get a loft instead of my shit apartment.
 I was headed toward Rocky when some pervert slapped my butt no doubt he'd seen the performance. Rocky's smile disappeared immediately.

"Nigga the fuck!" Rocky yelled as the pushed the guy causing him to stumble back. He was no doubt drunk. Either way Rocky wasn't having it. Once the guy looked at Rocky and how fast the mob came up behind him he fell back immediately.

"Sorry nigga  ion know what I was thinking "he said merging into the crowd. It was getting late and me and Rocky were hugging up on each other having a good time till I realized we had school in the morning.

"Rocky I gotta go now" I said as I got of his lap.

"And were you headed I'm coming" we both got up and started walking to my car.
Let's just say it was 10 minutes of kissing before I actually got in my car

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