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Its been a week since I left the mob house. I never really left my apartment other than going to work. I haven't seen any of the mob members even though they we always texting me. I haven't replied to any of Rocky's messages. I have been answering the mob though. I wrote a song about what had happened and sent it to the label. The want me to do a video for it as soon as possible. I haven't left my bed all day.

I sighed heavily as I heard my phone ring I got up to get it. It was Yams. Yams never calls me what the hell.


"No Iggy it's me Rocky"


"I know you don't wanna talk to me but hear me out. What had happened-"

"Fuck you" I hissed as I hung up the phone. The nerve he had to call me through Yams phone. He tried to call back but I ignored it. I walked to the bathroom and had a shower. After my shower I called my manager.

"Hey it's Iggy, is there anyway you could find me a good house on the other side of town?" I asked.

"What's the problem Iggy? I just want to me closer to the studio that's all"

"Umm alright we'll go look at houses on Wednesday"

"Thanks so much talk to you later" I sighed in relief.

"No problem, bye" he hung up the phone and so did I.

-Rocky's P.O.V-

"What'd she say" the mob asked in unison after I hung up the phone.

"She said 'fuck you' and hung up" I said staring at the phone.

"You fucked up" Yams said angrily as he snatched his phone from my hands.

"Yeah how could you fucking cheat on her like that? On her fucking birthday!" Ferg screamed. But I just looked down.

"You don't deserve her" Nast said. With that all the mob mumbled some swears at me and left. I looked up to see Twelvye looking back at me in disgust then he left shaking his head. I sighed and went to my room. I went to open my weed drawer when I remembered it was emptied by Iggy. Great. The mob hates me, Iggy hates me and I have no weed. I grabbed my keys and made my way to my dealer. My dealer lives in Iggy's old complex but she couldn't be here. I was in and out of the dealers room with my weed fast. That's when I saw her walking down the steps.

- Iggy's P.O.V -

"Iggy!" I heard my name being called I froze as I turned around to see Rocky. As soon as I saw him trying to walk over I bolted to my car pressing the automatic starter. I looked back to see he wasn't very far but he started running hard. I got to my car in time and locked the doors and windows. He ran up and banged on the windows.

"Open the door we need to talk" Rocky yelled banging on the window. I shook my head and clenched my fists and punched the steering wheel. I looked at him on last time before I drove away.

'Rocky' 2:00

I'm waiting here till you get back we have to talk.

I drove to the mob house and left myself in. I saw the mob sitting there and they looked up from the tv angrily until the realized it was me. The didn't say anything they just ran up and hugged me in a big bear hug. A couple of them kissed my head but we stayed in the group hug from a couple mins.

"Are you okay?" They asked.

"No" I replied.

"We're glad your here" Yams said. I'm glad i met the mob they've become like my brothers i hope rocky and i's break up dosent jepordize my relationship with them. but i know for a facr that it will.

I chilled with mob for an hour until I decided to go back home after all I did have to cook for Jake.

I saw Rocky sitting in his car when I got back I drove a separate way and got out and started to run as fast as I could to my apartment. Rocky saw me and got out and started to chase me. Rocky was screaming me name as I ran faster deciding to take the stairs. In hopes he'd get winded quick I started to skip stairs. I looked back to see he started slowing down but still yelling me name. He dropped his keys at a landing and quickly went back for them I took the chance to run into the hallway cut across and go down two flights of stairs then waited for the elevator. I got in the elevator and started to panic. I got to my floor with my key ready the guy in there with me looked at me like I was crazy. I ran to my apartment with was close to the stairs door and when I was nearing Rocky burst through the door glaring at me. I struggled the open the door and saw Jake on the couch.

"Jake intruder! Attack!" I yelled trying to get out of Rocky's grip. Jake ran over and started to bark and bite Rocky's leg.

"Damn it Iggy" he said as I got away successfully. I backed away with Jake in front of me barking and howling. The neighbours took notice as they poked their heads through their door.

"Leave her alone dude she has a man" a guy yelled.

"I am her man!" Rocky screamed walking over to the door looking out to see who said it. Everyone looked scared when the realized it was Rocky, due to his street background.

"No you're not, not anymore" I said as I shoved him with all my strength out of my door. I locked all of my locks after I pushed him out. I looked out my peep hole to see Rocky walk back and fourth a couple times before he left.


It's been a year since the huge blow up at my old apartment. I moved into a loft on the other side of town closer to the studio and the modeling agency. I got a lot of texts from Rocky but he stopped sending them. I stopped talking to the mob as well even Nast stopped talking to me. I got an 'x' through the asap tattoo on my finger and gave back the key to the mob house.

I can't lie i missed him so much. some days i'd just lay out, cry and eat ice cream. im over those days because i channeled that into my music. i couldnt let my life be ruled by a man that no longer loved me.

The song I made a video for about what happened on my birthday went viral. Long story short I'm pack for tour. I have to go a fashion show to get my stage costumes set up for my 2 month tour. I finished packing all my clothes, makeup, Jakes dog toys, dog bed and cage.

I set my bags up by the door and got ready for the fashion show. I wore a cute black dress and refilled Jakes dog bowl.

- At the Jeremy Scott fashion show -

Everything looked so good I ordered at least 20 things. The show was over and I was talking to my DJ friend Rae I had meet at my birthday party.

"Ex alert" Rae said. I turned around in confusion and found Rocky and a girl hold hands walking over.

"Hey Iggy how've you been?" Rocky asked.

"I've been good how about you" I replied.

"I've been great, the mob misses you though" he said. I scoffed loudly. im almost positive that was a lie because over time all of the mob has cut all ties with me. probably due to the coming of fame and rockys influence.

"Hey I'm Chanel, Rocky's girlfriend it's nice to meet you" the girl spoke up. quickly hugging me, quite tightly i might add. she had said it with a smile but somehow i'd felt venom it her words. not to mention when i had gone to hug her back she pulled away like i had burned her. maybe im just being biased, i mean why would i like my ex's new girl friend. but i had yo admit she was pretty.

pretty ugly.

just kidding, that was petty and im not petty. she's absolutly gorgeous.

"Hey, nice to meet you. I'm Iggy" I said with a smile. We had a little bit more small talk until I became highly uncomfortable and left. What a day I thought as I walked to the front counter with Rae to order the clothes.

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