Leave it‏

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I know that Rocky want me to move in oh so badly but I'm having doubts. I will move in with him but with my modeling and gig paychecks I can afford to keep me apartment on the side just in case something goes wrong. I know its silly but I just gotta look out for myself. I'm taking my clothes over to the mob house today and I'm gonna unpack and what not. I hope Rocky doesn't find out about my apartment still being mine he'll be mad for sure. I plugged in my ear phones as I started moving things into my car. This baby needs a new paint job, maybe after I get the paycheck from the record deal.

I was almost done loading up my jeep but on the last item I just lingered for a while I'm gonna miss this place. My fortress, place if you will. Living in a house with only guys what did I get myself into. After a while of thinking I got up grabbed my pillows and locked the door. I rested my head on the door for a while until Jake barked at me. I walked slowly to my jeep as Jake tried to pull me. I finally got in the car and drove to the mob house.

I got to the mob house and everyone in the mob was happy to see me not to mention Rocky showering me with kisses. They all helped carry my stuff to Rocky's room. Everybody except for Nast he just sat to the side and sulked as he massaged Jake.

"What the hell is your problem Nast" I said angrily.

"Iggy man just leave it" he sighed brushing me off.

"No explain to me what your problem is you happy I'm moving in at first then when it comes time to move my stuff you wanna sit around and sulk" I hissed. I hate it when people brush me off.

"Iggy I said leave it" Nast said slowly standing up and becoming taller than me. I knew he was trying to be a all big but I know he's not.

"No explain to me Nast leave what? What is it you what me to leave alone?!" I yelled up at him.

"What do want Iggy for me to admit I got feelings for you and I don't wanna be seeing you with Rocky? That niggas not no long time relationship type. You know what fuck this man" He said each word so carefully and strong it shocked me to the core. After he said that I caught cotton mouth.

"That what I thought" he whispered to me. I could feel his breath hit my face but it was the heat of moment so I didn't back down.

"Ill be back buddy" he said bending down to Jake rubbing his head.When I again said nothing he walked away quietly. When he got to the fro t door he looked back shook his head and slammed the door.

"Who da fuck slammin' them doors" Yams yelled.

"Oh shut up Yams" everybody said from different rooms in unison.

I was shell shocked by what Nast had just told me. I felt horrible about the way I spoke to him. I shook my head and went down to the home studio. I started setting beats and laying down the bass I already knew what the lyrics were gonna be.

I quickly ran upstairs and grabbed my song book and some dog food. I saw Rocky was sleeping so I kissed his forehead and left the room. What could Nast possibly mean Rocky is a great guy and always has been. Isn't he? I suddenly remembered the day he almost killed that guy but I'm sure that's not what Nast was referring to.

I was in the studio all day with Jake and I had the door locked and the music loud. I texted Rocky and told him I was fine and we'd chill later. when I came up from the basement i saw everyone including Nast was at the table eating pizza I caught eye contact immediately and looked away pained. How could I let this happen I knew I had hurt him. I could feel him still watching me. I knew Rocky saw it too I saw him about to open his mouth until I squeezed his thigh indicating to leave it alone. I got up and cooked a stake.

"Who's that for though" Ferg asked licking his lips.

"Its for Jake you hungry kid" I laughed.

"Damn Iggy you got a nigga jealous of a damn dog" Ferg mumbled. I laughed uncontroablly and striped when I felt my phone vibrate. It was a text from my manager saying I had a big tomorrow. I took the stake off the pan and cut it up and let a piece cool before throwing it into Jakes mouth. He happily caught it.

"Good boy" I said as I kissed the top of his head. I put the meat in his dog bowl and leaned on the counter as I answer the text. According to my manager he had booked me a 1:00 gig for a radio station show live. He said tickets were free but I also had to do a meet and greet which was far from free. I felt a body press against mine and I looked up from my phone to find Rocky.

"You good babe" he asked as he wrapped his arms around me. He smells so damn good.

"Yeah Rocky I'm cool"

"Lemme give you a kiss" he said with his forehead on mine. I smiled and kissed him.

"Naah bae them lips down south" He said as he licked his lips and pressed against me.

"Stop playing, you so nasty" I said as I laughed pushing him playfully. I heard a chair slip and a stomping to look up and see Nast leave the kitchen. Soon after he left Jake followed after.

- Later That Night -

Me and Rocky were I'm the bath tub together my back his front. He was sweet talking me with poetic wonders. It was so cute. Jake wasn't in here with us because Rocky wanted 'alone time' but I could her Jake barking so I was fine with it. I leaned back and kissed Rocky. He was being so romantic I probably had a permanent blush on my face.

"You know I love you right?" Rocky asked as he kissed me once more.

"and I love you" I said with a smile as in kissed him once more.

"You tryna hit that blunt?" Rocky asked with a smirk.

"Sure" I said as I shrugged. I was about to get out when he pushed my shoulders down.

"Nah we gone smoke here. Hold on lemme get the stuff" I watched as he got pit of the water. Let me tell you he was not a all concerned that he was butt naked. This boy is crazy. In 2 minutes flat Rocky came back with the weed his bong and his camera.

"Awe smoking couple pictures?" I asked.

"Hell yeah" Rocky laughed and he set the stuff beside the tub before he got back in.</pre>

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