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I had returned to my desk and had been catching up on some work that was due tomorrow when my friend Pam slid her chair to me. "Did you hear?" she said as she lean towards me. "Hear what?" I asked confused. "The boss is having an emergency meeting for all the heads of the  department and their secretaries, apparently  someone is having an affair with their boss." she said as she leaned closer so no one would hear us. I was very interested in this new topic that has been brought up. I gasped dramatically. "Who do you think it is?" i said giggling as much as office gossip is bad I know half of it is lies so why not entertain Pam for a while so she won't spread it to a lot of people, and also I can be in the loop, well that's my justification for liking gossip.

"I think its Kate and kris." she said as she pulled out her phone and started to scroll through it. "What makes you think that." I asked as I started typing the minutes from the previous meeting."They always stay together and they look at each other like they are about to make out at any moment. i heard that one time they went into a broom closet and came out a few moments later and looked like they definitely had fun." she said as she continued scrolling. "But this is what I find it weird why would the boss have a meeting over this." she said as she stopped scrolling and put her phone down on her lap. "why not, I mean Kris is 34 and Kate is what? 21 I mean its concerning" I said as I continued typing. "I mean age is just a number." Pam said now looking at me. "And statutory rape is just a word love." I said sarcastically taping her cheeks. "Whats for dinner?" I asked as I changed the subject. 

Just as Pam was about to answer my boss Mr Day called me. "We have to go to a meeting asap just bring something to write with." He said. 

I began to grab my things and caught up with Mr Day as we made our way up to the meeting.

"Do you know why we are going to this meeting" he asked. "Some thing about office romance." I said. "How do you know that?" he asked. "I keep my ears on the ground" I said confidently. He smiled then said "Great job.". I smiled. Mr Day doesn't usually give out complements or encouragement but when he dose it means a lot to us.

We reached the meeting room at the same time as Ms Normandy. I truly admire her she is the only black female executive directer, which to me felt like a poor attempt at being 'racially diverse', however I know that Ms Normandy is an intelligent woman who needs more recognition, god knows without her the the leadership of the company would crumble. Her secretary Ms Alpin who I believed is equally as intelligent and graceful as her was walking next to her. We great them and entered the room with them luckly we were on time but we were the last people to enter. 

After taking our seats the Boss walked in wearing a fresh dark blue suit. It was very well pressed and fit him well. It shaped his body perfectly, all the right parts were displayed. His shoulders stood broad and his demeanor carried the suit so well I felt enchanted almost bewitched as I watched him walk into the boardroom. 

A scented followed him. One of cigarettes and cologne and something else..I can't put my finger on it.

I think it is...

Thank you for waiting 🖤🖤

Special thanks though @nnekauseni for reminding me of this books existence 🤣

✨ I hope we have many more trash nonsense chapters ahead of us✨

See you soon 🖤

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