Wedding {PART 3}

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3rd person

Lara sat silently in the carriage as it made its way towards the glamorous outdoor reception near the lake. She looked out the window wondering if she had kept her sister safe by marring  Adam or did she just willingly went into the lion's den.

They drew near the lake and that was when Adam spoke to her for the first time since they were officially married."When we arrive you better convince everyone that our marriage is real otherwise..." but he was cut off by L ara."Actually, I did a more convincing job o our vows Mr. Convincing. You know what I am tired of you threatening me to do things I am a grown woman." Lara was beyond furious and looked like she was ready to punch him but the fact that he could easily overpower and she would look bad kept her from causing any harm, yet.

When the couple arrived the guests gave them a very exciting welcome Lara was looking for her sister in the crowd but she couldn't see her anywhere

The night continued without any drama but Lara was worried sick wondering where her sister was it wasn't until she finally got gave up and asked Adam about her whereabouts."She left for school after the ceremony she did not want to tell you because I told her not to" Adam said with a slight smirk on his face. "Why?" she asked getting angry yet again. "Because I enjoy watching you suffer.". She did not expect that but she just turned away and got on to the carriage again as they departed on their honeymoon.

Lara had long taken off her dress when the plane took off. She had never been in a privet jet, she only dreamt of being in one but not with Adam Andrea as her husband.

The island was beautiful but Lara could not shake off the thought that this could be was her life would end. Adam opened the door to the huge 2 story house. As she walked in she was surprised but the interior was modern and warm.

The walls had brown exposed bricks and were painted white. The furniture was brown and the warm yellow lights made the house very inviting. "Beautiful isn't it?" asked Adam. "Yes," she answered back with her big wide eyes wandering around the lower level of the house. "But I think something should be removed from the house," Lara said turning to Adam. "What is that?" Adam asked. "You," Lara answered nonchalantly.

Hi guys, the next chapter will be longer and also Thank you for 1.4k reads!

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