I smell drama

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Lara's POV

"Well I thought since we are getting married we should sleep in the same bed," Adam said with confidence while taking off his shirt.

"Oh, The devil is a liar!" I screamed sarcastically then grabbed his belongings and threw them out on to the hallway.

He looked at me shocked while I smirked at him feeling triumphant,

He stormed to me and grabbed me by my elbows and chucked me out of my room then slammed the door.

I was surprised by his behavior and then this bubble of anger and annoyance built up in me causing me to bang against the door and yell his name repeatedly.

This caused Layla to come out of her room and leaned against her doorway with a 'what's going on' look. 

"Adam locked me out of my own room," I told her band my fist against the door again.

"Why is he not in his fancy mansion?" Layla asked before going back into her room again leaving me alone in the hallway.

I sighed and turned on my heels and walked down the hallway to the guest bedroom. It was a little smaller than my room but I still need my sleep and I was really tired. 

As I settled into the bed there was a sudden knock on my door.

I got up and when I answered the door it was Adam.

I stood at the door with my arms crossed and my face filled with sass.

"Well can I go back to my room?" I said in an annoyed voice.

"No I came to tell you your date with my brother is canceled," he said crossing his arms imitating me.

At this point, he has ruined my biggest deal twice in one night and embarrassed me in front of the same client and I am pissed in fact pissed is an understatement.

"You know what I don't care that he is your brother he is my biggest client and you just ruined that twice already I wish you would just stay out of my life because all you bring to my life is misfortune you un-loveable bastard!" I screamed raging 

"You are done with your little hissy fit" he answered making me snap and slap him across the face and then punched him. If you thought it ended there.

He pushed me back and I pushed him, he slapped me and I slapped him and he backhanded me but before I could return the attack he grabbed both my arms and pinned them to my side and suddenly kissed me.

He kissed me I wanted to move away I tried to move away but he just pushed himself closed to me then finally let go of my now swollen lips 

"I know I am not loveable," he whispered against my lips then he pushed me off him I stumble back and look at him with hate.

"What?" he asked nonchalantly

I put my fingers to my lips in shock.

"YOU STOLE MY FIRST KISS YOU MONSTER" I screamed. Dramatic I know but that is basically me lately.

Adam started laughing but before I could do anything a scream coming from down the hall made us stop arguing and run to my bedroom I grabbed my pink gun and Adam grabbed his which was next to mine  we both made sure that they were loaded and we both ran to Layla's  room but the door was locked so Adam kicked the door in and we went in with our guns aimed

There was a man dressed in black with a gun to Layla's head. Layla had tears running down her cheeks.

"Ohh so they are all in the same house great my lucky day," the man said pulling a struggling Layla closer to him which made me more infuriated.

"Justin," Adam said making me realize that he knew this man but what he said next made me more upset.

"Hi boss," the guy named Justin said looking directly at Adam with obvious ill intent.

I aim my gun at his left shoulder but what he did next made me freeze

he pulled out a button with wires hanging out of it that lead to his jacket

"Well if I push this button this place will blow up within 3 minutes enough time for suspense," he said with a smirk across his face.

Then he pressed the button and Layla screamed. Adam stood frozen. I decided to act quickly

"If we are going to die then I would like to die with my sister in my arms," I said

He shoved Layla at me and then pointed his gun at Adam but acted quickly. I shot him and aimed right he dropped to the floor cold and I grabbed Layla and Adam and ran out of the townhouse the moment we reached the other side of the sidewalk the townhouse blew up. 

That was when everything sank in and Layla and I fell to the floor crying at what just happened but Adam stood looking at the house in horror.  

He turned to me then grabbed me by my collar and shouted in my face



He pushed me back to the floor then 

"He was my best friend," he said then knocked me out.

Well that will be all for a while



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