The honeymoon

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3rd person

Adams facial expression was nothing short of shocked he did not know Lara was going to target his self-confidence. She giggled a bit at his reaction then picked up her two pink bags and stated exploring the lower levels of the house.

There was a lounge that had grey walls and silver and black furniture. The following room was a huge kitchen and it had white walls and grey exposed bricks and cool lighting. The countertops were a white marble design and the cupboards were a light grey everything in the kitchen was so clean that she was so afraid that she was going to make it dirty if she touched it.

She walked upstairs and found her self in a short corridor. She opened the first door and it was a medium-sized grey bedroom. The second door was a bathroom and the final door was the most peaceful room she had ever seen. The walls and furniture were a simple white and the bed was humungous and it had many pillows decorating it, needless to say, it was inviting.

Lara placed her bags in the corner of the room. Opened her suitcase and took out her toiletry bag and her nightdress. In the shower, she hummed Beyonce's Sorry.

Lara had settled in the bed with a sigh because of the comfort.

A loud bang is what woke Lara up but when she woke up with a fright.

She quickly realized that she was not alone there was someone in her room a man wearing full black but his ack was faced to her and her instincts kicked in and she closed her eyes pretending to sleep it was obviously not Adam because he had broader shoulders.

She heard the man's footsteps move closer towards her at a slow pace, the man sat on the bed in front of her and began to stroke her forehead. No matter how hard she tried she could not stop her self from tensing up. "Your so beautiful I almost don't want to kill you," the mystery man said but was surprised when Lara suddenly scratched him across his face catching his eye causing him to crouch down and scream in pain.

Lara did not hesitate she took this moment to run. when she reached the bottom of the stairs she saw Adam fighting with another guy in black and there was a guy lay on the floor not moving.

She grabbed the vase she saw in the kitchen and ran back into the living room and 

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