Final straw

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Lara's POV

While Adam and I were sitting in the kitchen this guy with brown hair wearing a grey t-shirt and black jeans walked in in a rush. "Sorry to disrupt but Adam we need to talk like now" He said panicked. "Lara this is Justin he is my second in command." Adam said then he got up and took my hand but as I was to follow him Justin said "Alone." he said. That made me suspicious so after counting to ten I took off my shoes  and followed them they went into a room and I slowly tiptoed to the door and pressed my ear to it. "What?!" I heard Adam scream. "I just won her heart and now you are telling me that I should tell her that I her that I killed her parents! Are you crazy?!" he screamed.

That was the final straw. I couldn't take t anymore I was done I was more determined to get rid of this monster. I would forgive you if you stupidly, selfishly took away my freedom but you took away the most valuable people in the world from me and you left me orphaned I will make you pay Adam. I promise I will.

I quickly ran back to the kitchen, grabbed my shoes my bag which was strangely on the stove but whatever I grabbed a random car key and ran to the garage. I noticed that I had the ferrari keys. Score! I finally found the car and then grove towards the gate but I was stopped by the guard who refused to let me out.''I am just going to a friend I will be back''  I said trying to be convincing. ''Sorry madam but boss told me not to let you out.'' he said in a french accent . How am I supposed to get out.

After a while Adam pulled up behind me. Got out the car and walked to my window. ''So...'' he started. ''Are you running from me old again?'' he asked. ''NO I would never do that again, I am just going to meet a friend thats all I will be back before you know it.'' I said giving him my best smile. ''Very well then I will come with you.'' he said. What the f no no what the actual f am I supposed to do now. ''No baby I haven't told my friend that I am married in person so I think it is best if you stay here I will bring you along next time.'' I said running my hands across his arms which were currently resting on my window.

''Okay but Antoine will come with you okay love.'' he said as he moved closer for a kiss. WHY?! I gave him a small peak before nodding my head while faking a love-struck look on my face as he straightened himself and walked back to his car and opened the door and sat inside with one foot out. But I did not have time to think about him I need to think of how to get rid of this Antoine guy. 

After a short while a smaller car pulled up an this huge guy came out and walked  to my car and opened the door and sat in the passenger seat which looked uncomfortable since he was so big.

''Hi.'' I said trying to make conversation  but he just nodded his head and kept quiet.

We drove towards the city and that's when I had a great idea. ''Sorry to bother you but can you please fetch my bag from the boot please.'' I said as I slowed down and came to a stop. He got out of the car and the moment he did I drove off faster than a Thot can trap your man on instagram. 

When I got to the airport I booked the next flight to New York and that's how I got here in a FBI interrogation room about to snitch on my ''husband'' 

Just a small chapter this weekend is busy so I will be posting weekly from next week onwards.

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