Landline problems

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After looking at the letter in my hand for a long time. My hands shook and I grabbed the window seal to prevent myself from falling on to the cold tiled floor of my sister's bedroom. I don't understand how could something like this happen? How could I let this happen?

I looked outside on the road to see a mysterious figure standing in front of our house , I look harder but before I could he got in his car and speed off sadly I could not make out the number plate . A shiver ran down my spine as moved away from the window and closed it.

Running and almost tripping over things I made it down stairs and called 911.

911 operator: 911 what's your emergency sister has been kidnapped by this man that I sa....

The line went dead I looked at the land line than realise that I forgot to pay the bill this month. Great at a time like this it just had to cut off

Guess there is only one way to get her back home but when there was no time on the note. What should I do? Layla is the only family I have and she is just 8 turning 9. She is so fragile and delicate she can't deal with being away from me for more than a day and she did not see me this afternoon.

I waited till sunrise then I finally got a plan

At 10:30pm I arrived at the restaurant which was around the same time that I had left the restaurant last night and started walking towards the ally where I almost lost my life. As I approached it I felt nervous, my heart was pounding, hands sweating and the adrenalin had kicked in.

I walked in and followed the same path as I did last night , took a deep breath as I walked the last turn and I was face to face with HIM

He wore a dark blue 3 piece suit a white button up shirt along with a black tie. Moving away from his outfit, he was holding a rope that was tied around my sister's wrist and chest area

The moment I appeared in her sight she pulled and struggled as she screamed my name. He smirked than said "Glad you could join us." I replied confidently "I am here so give me back my sister" honestly I was not feeling brave or confident but I had to act for my sister's sake.

"It won't be that easier" he said then he waved his hand in a circle motion beside his face

Suddenly someone grabbed me by my waist and covered my mouth with a cloth and me being the idiot I am I breathe it in and passed out

Okay this is me being so stupid I can't even help it*sigh*                 

that is all for today

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