So what now?

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Lara's POV

Adam was deadly quiet throughout the entire ride.I felt so stupid.

I would subconsciously glance towards Adams direction. His hands were clenched around the wheel as he drove with a sharp gaze forward looking at the oncoming road.

We were driving deep into the countryside. Was he gonna kill me on a farm and no one will ever find.

"Adam." I whispered

"WHAT!" he shouted back.

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked.

He did not answer me.

We arrived at this abandoned cottage.Yep it is confirmed I am going to die.

We stopped and Adam got out the car and went to the boot opened it and then slammed it shut. This entire time my heart is racing, I know there is no way out unless I can run the hole 3 hours back to New York. 

Adam pulled the door open. "Get out." he ordered. I shakingly step out the car. "Lets go." he said and grabbed my arm roughly and dragged me around back.

When we reached the back I realised that there was a hole, or a grave to be more specific, dug up.

"Let me tell you a story." Adam said as we stopped in front of it.

"One day a couple came to me for an interview apparently the wife was a journalist and the husband came along because he was the only one who could drive. Long story short they were con-artist, they tried to steal from me and they were your parents I tortured them and killed then, it seems like they daughter followed right in their footsteps. Don't worry my love I will bury right next to their graves."Adam said.

"NO! NO! LIAR! YOUR A LIAR!" I screamed and cried. I turned to looked at him but I was meet with a crowbar in the face that knocked me out.

I remember feeling suffocated and I remember feeling the sand fill my lungs I remember my struggles. I remember my foolishness. I remember my sisters screams in my last moments.Her screams calling for me and her screams from her life being ended as felt mine slip away.

Not only did I fail in life I failed my sister.


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