Play time is over

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Lara's pov

"Mrs Alexandre you expect me to believe that you would like to help us capture your husband Mr Alexandre, correct?" The agent asked "Yes"I responded crossing my arms and legs while leaning back in to the chair. "Well I find it hard to believe Mrs Alexandre." he responded. "Please call me Lara." I said getting uncomfortable with the way he is calling me by that evil bastards last name. "Mrs Alexandre please care to tell me why should I believe you." he said sitting down across me. "Agent.."I say asking for his name"Lenard." he responds. "Agent Lenard why would an engagement last 6 years and why would the wedding papers be signed 6 years before the ceremony?" I say trying to give him the picture."I don't know Lara you tell me" he said. There was a long puse. I wondered should I even do this or should I go ask Adam the reason as to why he killed my parents? No. My parents would have wanted justice.

"I ran away from him." I answered. He sat up in interest "Please share more" he said as he took out his notebook and pen. After a deep breath I told him everything from the start to the time I found out about my parents murder.

6 hours later

They had chipped my phone and told me the plan. 

I had to call Adam tell him I am in New York and get him to come to a secluded farmhouse miles outside of New York And then they will arehrend him and I will get justice for my family.

Phase one was down with just a simple text and  he responded with a chilling "I will get you" maybe he is still mad about me  leaving canada. 

As we were driving to the farmhouse I got a text from Adam "Playtime is over" it read then we came to a halt we were in the middle off nowhere and that was when they opened the doors and told me to get out of the car at first I thought we were changing cars but when I saw Adam standing  next a porsche with a few more cars surrounding us I knew that I was in danger I tried staying behind Lenard but he pulled me by my elbow and dragged me towards Adam and that's when it clicked I was not gonna get justice I just fell into a trap. I started thrashing around until another guy grabbed my elbow and the dragged me to Adam. "Here she is boss she is quiet the storyteller." Lenard said. I began crying. Adam just looked at me with rage in his eyes, he walked up to me and backhanded me. I was shocked I thought he loved me. As I look up at him he started screaming at me "YOU UNGRATEFUL B****H I GAVE YOU THE WORLD INSTEAD OFF ENDING YOUR LIFE. I GAVE YOU A LIFE YOU COULD ONLY DREAM ABOUT. YOUR PARENTS STOLE FROM ME AND I STILL GAVE YOU A ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD AFTER I FOUND YOU. Lara I gave you an empire and you want to ruin it."at the end I felt guilty he was warm to me and I just hurt him he gave me love and I just betrayed him.

"I'm sorry" I whispered but he looked away. Tears were spilling out of my eyes as the two agents let me go I reached my hand up to adams cheek but shoved my hand away.  

Adam let out a sigh then ran his hands through his hair. "Tie her up and put her in the trunk." he ordered to the two agents. "What? Adam no! I want to come with you." I said walking forward only to be pushed away that hurt my feelings. "Lara I don't want you anywhere near me right now I need to think." he said as he walked away but me being me I followed hi. "Adam please I want to make things right." I pleaded. He turned around and looked at me then chuckled. "You know the last time you said please honestly was when I burned your sister funny how you fought to protect her but you kept on making stupid moves." he said.

"You're right I make stupid decisions but don't we all?" I said. "Adam please I am sorry, just tell me what I can do to make it up to you just please don't kill my sister." I pleaded. "You are worried about the wrong person Lara. I love your sister as if she were my sister, I will continue to take care of her but as for you..." Adam said. "Love her? LOVE HER?! You burnt her with a dam cigar!" I said as I began to hit him on the chest with balled fists which caused him to grab my wrists stilling my movements as I look up at him in fear when what I just did sunk in."You are trying to die today right?" Adam said in a low dangerous voice. 

"Get in the car." Adam said letting me go.

I really am stupid why did I go back? why did I run?


For real this time

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