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Lara's POV

My body felt very heavy. I could  hardly open my eyes. "Lara. Nurse Jullie she's waking up!" I heard a young girl scream.

I finally opened my eyese to be meet with a very bright white room.

"Lala your awake!" I turned my head to see Layla next to my bed with a very bright smile.

I felt a sence of joy. But at the same time confussion. "what happened?" I croacked out.

"You were in a motor accident." the nurse replied.

"A motor accident?" I asked.

"The witnesses said you were chasing the bus when a vehicle doing dangerous maneuvers hit you. It wasn't quite hard but somehow you fell into a comma for the passed five months." the nurse said as she helped me sit up and poured me a glass of water.

I looked at layla, I saw tears build up in her eyes. I felt like I had failed her before or something bad happened to her so for some reason I felt a strong need to protect her.

"Come here you little chocolate bear." I said to her as she jumped on to the bed and hugged me with all her might.

After Layla went to the bathroom. The nurse who I found out her name is Angel. Her name dose suite her, she has these bright hazel eyes and this beautiful light brown skin she was tall and slim but had curves in all the right places, she was also very kind to Layla and she had a very nice personality, well according to Layla.

"Please may I take the IV out. I noticed that she brushed up against it." She said politely and continued to gently care to me.

"You know when you were asleep she would always be hear helping with everything, she would make a great nurse." Angel said while smiling.This brought joy to my heart. 

 After a while Layla came back with a doctor this time.

"Well your vitals look good you have a good scense of movement. Hmmm that is odd considering you where in a coma for five months." The doctor said as he was finishing up his medical exam on me.

"May I ask if you remember the accident." he asked.

"No,but I can remember the rest of the day quiet well." I answered.

"Hmm that is also odd." he said flipping through my file.

"Doctor does she have Aminasia?" Layla asked as she hoisted her self up on to the bed.

We giggle. "You mean Amnesia" The doctor said.

"Yes sir." Layla said politely.

"It doesn't seem like it but what is your hypothesis?" the doctor said to Layla.

"I think she is hungry because she has comaed for five months." Layla said causing us all to laugh.

I was discharged from the hospital a few days after and lucky for me I had lost my jobs even though they knew that I was in hospital. So now I was back to square one.

I ended up getting a job as the Financial manager's secretary at Alexandrea Inc. Do you wanna know how I got this job, I was the only person to show up because the last secretary was so bitter that she gave everyone the wrong date but lucky me I had a homegirl in the company who also worked in the accounting department who told me to come down there and they needed a replacement ASAP so lucky me.

Woking here was so cool. My boss was nice except when it was Monday mornings then expect a different story then. Anyway the money was good which meant that I was able to afford a new place which was much safer for Layla and spoil her a bit.

So far life is going good.

"Hey L can you take this up to the director for me." My boss said handing me a file.

I made my way up to the directors floor. I had made friends with the secretary there Nina.

"Yo Nina, whats poppin?" I said acting swagy.

"These Nuts." Nina said sarcastically 

I say that to her because she hates when someone says 'yo', and I hate when people say 'these nuts'

"My boss said I must give this to Robocop." I said causing Nina to laugh. {background the direct Mr Brown is the most serious person in the entire company and he likes to patrol the office to make sure we are doing work.}

"Go ahead in I am feeling lazy today." She said turning her attention back to the computer on her table.

I knocked on the door and waited a little then walked in.

"Good morning Mr Brown, Mr Johnson said I must give these to you." I said setting the files on his desk then turning to leave.

"Excuse me,tell Nina to go give this to the CEO." he ordered without even looking up from the computer.

I walked out to go and tell Nina her assigned task.

"Look I am really tired so can you do this for me." She said. 

"Fine but you have to buy me a drink tonight, okay"I said.

"Sure! okay so you go in the lift you press the 30th floor and then press 2104 in the security pad, When you get there the secretary will tell you what to do." she said then blew me a kiss

"Have an adventure my love." She said giggling

"What ever." I said as I got in the lift.

I followed her instructions and got to the top floor.

When I got there the secretary desk was not occupied and I felt like  I shouldn't be 


I placed the file on the desk and turned to leave.

There was a scream that came from the big door as much as I want to know what is happening there I am not scooby-do. And playing detective on a floor that has a password hell naw.

So I quickly scurried back to the elevator and went back to my desk.

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