You Jelly?

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Adams POV

I saw Lara dancing with Kyle Smith. Just before you jump to her defense Kyle Smith is my biggest rival both in business and in the mafia he is my half brother and my father likes him more and he might inherit my father's company if I do not get married.

Besides that, he is dancing more like grinding on my fiance. This makes me angry. Like does she not realize that she is no longer single and why does everything always seems to gravitate towards him most of the time. 

I walk down the stairs towards them and when Lara saw me she looked very shocked and she grabbed Kyle's hand and ran with him in the opposite direction, which infuriated me a lot more. I walked faster and eventually followed them outside to the parking lot where I grabbed Kyle and shoved him to the ground then grabbed Lara by her waist and lifted her on to my shoulder and as expected it did not take much effort, unlike the first time. she was punching my back while kicking her feet but I finally made it to the car shoved her in and shouted at the driver to drive.

 In the car as soon Lara calmed down and sat with her arms crossed and her legs crossed too. She turned to look at me with the angriest stare I have ever received in my life from anyone other than my mother. I think I should calm her down but before I could say something a sharp slap landed across my face making my head turn and my face throb in the place where her hand landed.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" I screamed at her

"RUINING MY DEAL AND MAKING ME LOSS MONEY WHAT ELSE!" she screamed back as if she was my equal and I have had just about enough if her attitude and I think Its time I remind her why she is alive. 

Lara's POV 

After I said those words Adam grabbed me by my neck and pushed me against the seat then whispered in my ear 

"Don't forget that I am the reason you are alive and the reason you can die so don't agitate me, Lara, "

I laughed sarcastically and he tightened his hand around my neck.

"You know it is funny how you pretend like you don,t need me to inherit your father's company. oh and I know Kyle is your brother and honestly, I wish I had met him before you, "I said while looking at him with a smirk.

He tightened his hold even more and I started to choke while I tried to get him off me. He leaned in my ear and whispered

"As much as I enjoy choking you I would rather take this call" and with that he let me go and answered the phone that I had not realized had been ringing. The rest of the ride was spent with Adam on the phone speaking French and me looking out the window holding my sore throat.

When we reached my apartment I stormed straight to my room and took off my heels then sat down at my vanity and started removing my make-up when Adam stormed in my room and stalked angrily to me then grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his chest. I tried to punch him but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me even closer.

"Let me make this clear to you because I can see that you are forgetting. You are my wife and you have to do exactly what I say or there will be consequences. Do you understand that Lara," Adam said very angrily. He really thought that would shake me up well he is dead wrong.

"NO! I am only your wife on paper not in the real world or the corporate world so you have no dominion over me. I am not married to you and I don't have a ring which means I am single BoBo," I said while twisting my way out his grasp only to be pulled back and this time even closer. We were so close not even a sheet of paper could fit in between us at this point. I was a little panicked at how close he was to me so I headbutted him unnecessary and painful. I fall to the ground in pain but got up after a few seconds and sat on the bed and rubbed my forehead then sat up and looked at Adam who stood unfazed and amused.

"Well since you want a collar so bad I will give it to you," he said then left the room and came back with a red box and threw it at me. Rude much. After a few moments of looking at the box, I opened it and saw the most beautiful diamond ring in my life, but if this is the only proposal I will get I want I given to me right.

"Nope," I said closing it and got up and put it in his pocket. 

"Why?" Adam asked mad.

"Because this the only proposal I will ever get and I want it done right," I said looking into his deep grey eyes. 

He sighed then got down on one knee and looked at me up at me and said

"Lara Luyanda Shabalala will you marry me?"

"Nope it is cute but I prefer romance," I said trying to be nice but get my point across.

"Why are you so hard to please woman," he said while standing making me giggle and lie on the bed looking at the ceiling then sighed heavily. I got up and went back to my vanity and removed the rest of my make up then went into the bathroom and took a shower and wore my red lace nightdress. I walk out of the bathroom and see Adam taking off his shoes and socks making himself comfy.

"What are you doing," I asked him.


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