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He pulled out a gun from his waistband and at this point I did not care about the girl anymore, I need to get out before I find my self dead, I can't die my sister needs me. 

I turned around and made a run for it. The adrenaline had kicked in and there was no turning back, well that is if I don't want to die and I don't so I should keep my eyes forward  

Running faster than I thought possible, I quickly turn to exit the ally when I heard a loud gunshot and the bricks beside me burst from the wall hit my arm and now with more determination I ran out the ally way in to the busy main road not caring about the cars that almost hit me as I ran to get away from him   

Without looking back I sprinted to my house which was 2 blocks away. I entered the house quickly. Locking all doors and windows, raced up to my sister's bedroom 

She laid fast asleep, her face showing no frustration which was a first she always had trouble sleeping alone. I guess she has grown up. A small smile played on my face as I admired my little sister in her sleep but it was soon replaced with a frown from the events that had occurred earlier on.    

Wait, what happened to the girl I should call the cops 

I ran down the stairs into the lounge area to the telephone as I garbed the phone. There was a loud bang from my sister's bedroom. Well maby she just rolled of the bed

"Layla are you okay" I shouted walking up the stairs

but she did not answer back 

"Layla" I called again 

but still no answer

That is strange when I reached her door and looked in she was gone, her window open wide  and attached to her window a note  

With a shaky hand, I garbed it and it read 

"Meet me in the ally tomorrow  

    if you want to see her

          ~A.A~                               "

OH SNAP what have I done

That would be all for today ^_^ - a/n

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