Wedding Day (part:2)

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3rd person

The wedding chapel was ready for more than 300 guests. The main colors were white, gold and red. The chairs were made out of glass and gold and were draped with white fabrics and on everyone's chair laid a rose. The stage was surrounded by white lilies and red roses. There were two sculptures of cupids on either side of the altar and there was a beautiful flower wall behind the preachers stand that added the fresh spring cliche. Candles were lining the outer walls of the chapel and fresh roses and white lilies lining the isle which makes the chapel look like a flower haven.

As the guests filled up the were amazed at the decore some thought it was too bright but most were impressed. 

The bride had arrived in a chariot lead by black horses and all who were outside saw the beautiful Lara Songbird take her last steps outside as a single woman for when she comes out she won't be alone and that was not a guess it was a fact.

As the bride walked down the aisles the guest was in awe of her dress that had so many crystals yet still so mysterious, it was as with as the clouds which made the beautiful dark-skinned woman look like she was floating above the earth above all mere mortals.

When she arrived in front of her fiance after a walk she wished was longer, he took her hand and helped her up to the final step.

"We are gathered here today to  witness the marriage of Adam Andrea to Lara Songbird...."


I was so surprised at how she still managed to pull off the dress and walk so gracefully but the moment  she stood in front of me her face showed clear pain and I could see tears running down her cheeks, most would mistake them as tears of joy but I knew she would barely last and that's exactly what I wanted.

when it came time to say the vows I was surprised by the fact that she was still standing, the service was an hour-long and she stood looking at the priest expressionless.

"The couple will now exchange vows starting with the groom," said the priest as he made a hand gesture towards me.

 I took a deep breath and began

"Lara you are the most wonderful woman I have ever met you surprise me and always know just how to get through to me, ever since the day I met you you have always exceeded my expectations. Not only are you beautiful you are also smart and responsible I don't think I will ever be able to find a person like you," I said faking a love-struck look earning a few coos from the crowd. L ara, on the other hand, was trying to hide a shocked look on her face which made me realize that she believed my rehearsed speech.

"I will now ask the bride to say her vows," The priest said with a pleased smile.

"Adam you are probably the only man in the world that can stare at my but without getting slapped so consider your self lucky mister, I will try not to get on your nerves when I am bored and I promise that no matter what happens I will stay by your side. I promise to be a good wife and a good mother when we have kids, also I want to apologize in advance for the trouble our children will create I guess you can blame me," she said giggling  "But all in all I love you more than anything in the world" she said with a smile cause me to smile. Wait. What?

Lara's pov

His reaction though Well looks like I can be the next Stephany Myers because I made up one of the most romantic scenes in my life out of nothing In fact I want no need a Grammy award for this.

I took a quick glance at my sister and she looked so shocked yeah sis, your sister is the best actress when your safety is on the line so you can thank me after my performance.

"Well now is the time I ask the question that every couple dreads," the priest said 'not me' I thought.

"Does anyone for good reason come against the union of this couple?" he asked

I was hoping someone would but no one came to my rescue and the ceremony continued 

When Adam kissed me it felt so right but I knew it was all fake.

We left the chapel and started our journey to the wedding reception near the lake. I had temporarily forgotten the pain from how tight the corset was when I was saying my vows but right now it was hitting home.

Part 3 coming soon


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