Some Changes

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Lara's POV

I fell warm and comfortable which I think is caused by the silk sheets I am currently laying in.

I quickly open my eyes and as expected I am not in my house, in my bed, nope I am in this new, almost too expensive room.

The sheets are white and the pillows are bronze. There is a TV stand across the bed with a  large Tv on it and a shelf of books.  On the right, there was a large white couch with bronze outlines that is pushed against the wall under a large window. Overall this room was the ultimate luxury room and I am quite surprised.

Honestly, I was expecting a cell and me being tied or chained to the wall like a prisoner but I was getting more royalty vibes than hostage vibes. Weird.

As I was about to stand up a woman walked in. She looked like she was my age but she was unbelievably beautiful. She had the dream hour-glass body and long blond hair her eyes were a bright blue and her lips were full but a little too full showing that she had been using Botox.  She was wearing a red dress that looked like it was from a designer brand. It hugged on to her like a second skin and It made her seem very attractive.

"So I see you finally decided to wake up b**ch," the girl said in a very bitch high pitched voice.

"Who the heck are you calling a b**ch," I asked her lowering my voice to sound more dangerous. Instead, she laughed

"You, you ugly, fat b**ch" she answered. Honestly, that struck a nerve, most of my life I have been on the chubby side which caused me to be bullied for most of my life and I never thought of losing weight because I was busy taking care of Layla I did not have time for myself or even time to exercise.

Adam walked in after she said those words I was expecting him to come in and she would leave but instead, he went to her first and made out with her right in front of me with no shame what so ever. It sort of sent a pang to my heart for some strange reason. 

"Where is my sister, I want to leave," I said looking away from the couple.

"At school, you will have to stay here for a while till you can buy a new house," Adam said which confirmed my thoughts that HE did it.

"SO it was you." I breathed out.

"Yeah," he answered unbothered

"Well, I don't want to stay with you or her,"

"You don't have to, we are leaving for the US right now and we won't be back for the rest of the year,"  

 He chuckled and walked out of my room with his hoe which angered me. If he is gonna play this way then I was too. 

4 Days later

I was browsing through channels I stopped at a gossip TV program because it had Adam and the girl I saw a couple of days ago

"Billionaire Adam Alexandre was spotted leaving an airport in New York with actress and model Victoria Woods. Does this mean that his engagement with Lara Shabalala is over?" one presenter with blond hair said while turning to the other one with pink hair

"Well, that could be the case, Imean Victoria is stunning and Lara is honestly just plain," said the one in pink and they both started laughing. 

I couldn't take it anymore and I turned off the TV. 

I logged on to my youtube account and went to one of my favorite channels The Talko. 

I click on to one of their newest videos without reading the title hoping for my secret pleasure celeb gossip but that was not the case a few seconds in to the video I realized it was about "10 reasons why Adam Alexandre can leave Lara Shabalala" and I decided that I should just watch the video anyway it was just pointless gossip. Unfortunately, everything they had listed was correct which made me realize that I needed a change. Not for Adam but for my own sake.

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