Living arrangement

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As we sat in the kitchen we made jokes and teased Layla or Princess Layla. Adam was very nice which is strange but this is better than my old home if I could even call it that.

"Layla dear please finish your breakfast so you can get ready for school." Mrs. Rose said. Which made Layla jump in excitement. Then Adam cleared his trout and said " Layla you are going to a new school today." . Layla turned her head then smiled at him "Relay" she asked enthusiastically. I know that she dose not like her school well now old school because she is smarter than the children in her class and they keep her in the same grade to boast the schools reputation.

"Which school is she going to?" I asked hoping that it wont be too expensive

"Havergal College " I spit out the water I was drinking the moment he said that.

"WHAT?" Layla and I scream at the same time .I know it is on Layla's dream school since we drove passed it when she was younger.

"B...bu..but its to expensive and I can't afford it" I say in a very timid voice.He chuckled and lifted my head up from my chin, made eye contact and said "Love its okay I take care of everything."he said with a smirk on his face then he turned that to Layla and said to her "Princess Layla why don't you go upstairs and change in to your uniform." He was very gentle almost as if he was a real friend.

"Look I don't know which game you are trying to play but my sister and I don't need your sympathy. We will cope on our own, we were fine without you." I said with a lot of attitude. then turned to walk out the kitchen.

I managed to retrace my steps back to the room I woke up in. Took a shower and put on the black,thigh high skirt and white long sleeve shit. I opened the closet door to his room. As I opened the door Adam was standing in front of the door with the most murderous look I have ever seen. I flinched back then he garbed my arm "Where do you think you are going?" he asked in a low warning voice "Work" I said in a straight forward manner . I pulled my arms away from his grip and pushed him aside then walked out the room to look for Layla.

I found Layla in a beautiful pink and silver bedroom. " Princess" I said doing curtsy. she was wearing her new school uniform which was a white shirt with an dark green over dress and green and yellow striped tie her black knee length socks made her look so cute. she ran to me and gave me a twirl showing of her outfit . "Look Lala! Look! I am wearing a cute uniform now" she said giggling . I feel so bad now. "So you were here" a man said behind me which I found out to be Adam. "Yes" i said . A quick glance at the watch on his wrist made me realize we are late. "We are running late come on lets get a move on" I said picking up Layla and placing her on my hip than garbed Adam by his wrist and pulled him downstairs. Rose was by the kitchen with a black school bag "here you go" she said as she gave Layla the bag and then handed Adam a briefcase. Adam then lead us down the hall to a garage filled with a lot of cars from a Lamborghini to a Toyota he had it all. "Wow" Layla whispered in shock . A Rolls Royce pulled up in front of us the driver stepped out and and opened the door Adam went in I put Layla down and she ran in to the car well tried to she was very small and she could not lift her leg that high so the drive picked her up and got her inside properly. I giggled at her before carefully going in to the car careful not to damage anything because I know good and well I can't pay for any of this.

We drove out of his estate and down the road and into the main street and I noticed that his house was 1 hour away from mine , 15 minutes away from Havergal 2 hours away from the bakery, 1 hour 30 minutes away from the cafe and 2 hours away from the nearest airport. Well I have my work cut out for me. Yes I am goin to escape but not yet.

We dropped Layla off and she rushed inside with Jackson Adams friend who is a teacher in the school. I never thought I would see her go to a privet school ever but it is happening.

As we continued with our journey Adam turned to me and said "Don't tell anyone about us ". I blinked and then node before watching the scenery outside the window until we got to the bakery I looked at him confused as to how he knew this "I have your personal records he" said as if he was reading my mind. I just nodded again and then got out the car as the driver helped me out.

"Lara!" my boss/friend Ana screamed running to me "Where in planet earth were you I went to your house for Friday night baking and the house was empty where were you?!" she said angry and frustrated.

"You will know soon" I said as we opened the bakery.

She let it go for the rest of the day then as I was about to leave to go to the cafe she asked me a question that had me cornered

"Who did you come with in that fancy car" she asked while walking me to the bus stop to catch a bus

"Um a...a.f-fa-family friend" i stutter lying through my teeth

"Why are you stu-" she was cut of by a car hooter which was Jackson in a silver Toyota Yaris with Layla strapped in the back seat

"BYE" I said to Ana as I hugged her and quickly walked away and sat in the passenger set

"Hi" Jackson greeted.

"Hi" I great back. I turn to look at Layla in the back set "How was school?" I asked praying for a good answer

"AMAZING" she screamed. I giggle at her antics

"Young lady inside voice" Jackson warned her

"Yes Mr Knight" Layla said in monotone.

"Well good news, Layla is upgraded to 6th grade" he said

"But your wedding is pushed up to the 10th of this month" he continued

"WHAT!" I screamed

"Inside voice" Layla says imitating Jackson.

this means the wedding is in..........

See you soon

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