"I like you" OR NOT!

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"Stop the car," I say having a slight panic attack.

"Why?" asked Jackson.

"Cause if you don't I will hurt you and leave you on the sidewalk, Pick one!" I threatened while sarcastically smiling.

He stopped the car and I opened the door and put my foot out and took deep breaths, and calm myself down. This nigga is not gonna marry me in 5 days. there is no way in heaven, hell, earth, space or even the universe is he ever gonna marry me. I have to leave I am tired of pretending.

I pull my foot back in and closed the door, sighed and told Jackson that I was in shock so I needed fresh air.

When we reached the mansion we met Adam who was pacing by the door. The moment he saw me his face immediately softened then turned angry again.

"What took so long?"Adam asked. He already got me mad

"Sorry Adam your tripping so get some water cause you seem thirsty" I snapped back leaving him shocked.

I told Layla to wait for me in the kitchen and lured Adam to my bedroom on my way I took a bottle of champagne along. This plan better work

When Adam walked in my room I closed and locked the door behind him and kindly asked him to take a seat so we could talk.

"Adam I don't-I-how do I say this?" I said flustered "I think I like you, "I said getting up and walking towards him all sexy and sitting on his lap

"Please tell me if I am alone," I said softly and moved my face close to his keeping eve contact. As he closed his eyes I broke the champagne bottle on his head.

"SIKE!!! Ugly little boy" I said getting off his lap, grabbed his wallet an left the room ran downstairs into the kitchen and grabbed Layla and put her on my hip. When we reached the garage I took the Aventador and drove out of the estate using the "Going shopping " line to leave. I speed all the way to the Airport and told Layla my plan.

At the counter, I bought 2 tickets for the next flight to Vancouver the nice clerk managed to put us in first class and the flight left in the next 10 minutes. We checked in and took our seats.

When we reached Vancouver I used the leftover money for the following things:

~Opening a new bank account

~getting an apartment

~Geting Layla inrolled in a school

which meant I used all 7 thousand bucks the rest of the money I stolen from his closet that morning. Anyway now I really need to find a job. but I will get through this week Just fine

########TIME SKIP####

5years later

So I own a small gift Shop and about to open one more in Toronto but I am just scared of him finding me. But wait why should I let him stop me he needs to chill or I will use my pretty little taser or my custom pistol so he best be careful, him and Layla's new boyfriend. Don't ask how I am I becoming so, gangster.

I think I am gonna confront him now Its been 5 years anyway.

I book a ticket to Toronto and texed Layla. I got on the plane and got comfortable but I still felt nervous.

As soon as I stepped out of the airport my uber was ready I took the ride until the Estate gates and paid the driver. I told the security that I was Adams friend who came to fetch something. The moment I walked in he was standing by the door in a royal blue suit that fit him so well, he was holding a gun in the other hand so I took out mine and smiled sarcastically.

"I see you missed me," I said with a small wink.

Adam growled at that and took the safety of the gun and I copied his actions still smiling

"Why," he asked almost sounding upset but more dominant than sad. I kept quiet. He shot the floor next to me but I stood there unamazed and smirked. He looked shocked at the fact that I was not fazed so he aimed his gun at me but I was faster and shot him in his left arm.

He dropped on the floor clutching his arm in pain as he stared at me in anger then started laughing so I shot him on his left hand he groaned in pain again.

"Say away from me and Layla or I will be back to plant a few more bullets and make you my new shooting target. "I said in a low and dangerous voice and walked out of his mansion feeling powerful and confident but doubt and guilt still lurked in my mind as I walked down the long driveway out the gate to wait for my uber

 At the launch of my new Toronto branch of ILU. 

The opening day was magical, the small corner shop was now painted a feminine lilac and had small dust of pink with the shelves fully stocked with lovely gifts such as bracelets necklaces and chocolate. The turnup was unexpected I guess it was a perfect time especially since valentines day was just two days away.

The best part about the opening day was that I did not see Adam nor his gang anywhere. It made me less panicked and more at ease which made my staff quite happy.

Now I am back in Vancouver without a scratch, bump or bruise and I opened my Toronto branch smoothly so I guess he took the hint or maybe I should say the bullet. 

Like the old saying goes all good things come to an end I hope my happiness and safety are not soon taken away. I know I won't go down without a fight especially when it comes to my freedom I will fight even if it kills me.

A loud ringtone disrupted my train of thoughts. It was Layla hmm what has she gotten in trouble for now.

"LARA HELP ME LARA LA-" and the line went dead

I felt my stomach drop.



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