I got something to tell you

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Adams pov

Lara had fainted while we were removing the bullet from her hand. She was now sleeping on our bed soundly. I looked at her from my chair in the conner, her hair was in a lose ponytail and it kissed the light brown skin of her shoulders. She was peaceful her delicious  pink lips slightly parted created this huge desire to kiss her. Wait how could I say that? What is she doing to me? I could not handle it anymore so I chose to leave the room but as I was about to grab the door handle I heard Lara croak out "Adam?"

I was quick to turn around. she was finally awake, I mean she was going to wake up but I don't want her to wake up now. I look at her as she pushed herself up while wincing in pain then sitting up and holding her hand to her chest and looking down at it in pain. I walk to her side and sat on the conner of the bed and looked at her as she slowly adjusted to her surroundings. "So uhm what  happened after I fainted?" she asked as her cute round brown eyes wandered around the room, looking everywhere but me. "I brought you home and  laid you on the bed..." I said but I decided to take it a little further nothing makes me happier than seeing her uncomfortable or embarrassed. "I then laid a gentle loving kiss on your cheek." I said moving closer to her and touching her cheek but she slapped my had away with her injured hand. She groaned in pain  and clutched her hand. 

After a while she finally came down and looked at me with those innocent, big, round eyes. Danm. "Why did this happen?" Lara asked. I suddenly realized that I had to tell her the truth but how she will see me as a monster wait she already dose so why am I so nervous , actually I am not going to tell her everything. What she doesn't know won't hurt her. "Well... uhm... I.... you were shot because someone was after me, yeah that... is why it happened" I said. Damit I am a stone hard killer and I bet the best lie detectors in the world yet I can't tell a simple lie to this woman what the hell is wrong with me. "And I was born last night, Adam why did this happen? please tell me the truth" she said slowly as she cocked her head to the side. "I just told you." I said. "Adam!" She scolded. "Fine I am in the mafia and that was one of my enemies." I said. Almost as if a huge weight was lifted off my shoulder. Lara's reaction was nothing short of surprising she started laughing and she threw her head back she hit the headboard with a loud bang. Now it was my turn to laugh.

 Lara's pov

As he was laughing at my pain I began to think about this carefully I f I give in to my hearts desire I will be stuck to him forever but how do I know if he even likes me a strong if . As I was of in wonderland Adam started rubbing were I hit my head we locked eyes and as my brown eyes were drowning in his enchanting ones. "I know." I said and now it was his turn to look surprised. "Oh well that's great." HE said then he did the unexpected he kissed me. I was shocked and could not respond at first then I kissed back then I realised that he was the cause of my injury and pushed him off me then backhanded him. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I screamed. "YOU ARE THE CAUSE OF THIS AND YOU EXPECT ME TO JUST FORGET THAT?" I screamed again.

Adam pulled me into his chest and held me there despite me struggling. "Yes" he whispered. I stopped struggling and l looked at him. "You are confusing my feelings please stop." I whispered. "Stop what?" He whispered back. "Lying to me." I said closing my eyes. "Okay I have something to tell you." He said then got up and held my non-injured hand. "Come with me" He said but as I stood up I fell but he caught me. "Thanks." I said he carried me bridal style "Uhm you can put me down now." I said "Okay." and with that I stood on my feet and slowly walked with Adam. When we reached the kitchen Adam sat me down on the counter. He took a deep breath. "I think I love  you." Adam said. I look at him. What do I say. Should lie. If I tell him the truth then I would bound myself to a demon.

"Adam." I start. Wait this would only end badly for me he is used to having enemies. If I decide to tell him I love him maybe he would actually care and protect me. I know I am playing with fire but I need to look out for my sister and me something our parents did not do. Plus I kind of find him attractive so I won't be lying completely, right.

I have to get away from him I was stupid for confronting him I should have just stayed in Vancouver. Well I am Already in this mess so I have to play dirty to get out. I look at Adam and smiled. "I kind of like you too." I lied come on Lara you are a strong lack woman and you will beat this man at his own game. 

He smiled then lend closer "I think we should start over, I'm Adam." he said extending his hand for me to shake. "Lara" I said trying to smile at him convincingly I think it worked because he chuckled. 

I am going to destroy you Adam the same way you destroyed my happiness. 

OOOOOOH what made Lara suddenly flip the coin.

Find out in the next chapter 


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