Flashback Adam

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I stare at my phone in shock. What the hell is going on? I hope Layla thinks this is funny because when I get my hands on her I will smack the living daylight out of her.                                                          I call her. It goes to voicemail, what? I try again and still nothing. I plop down on to the couch to try to stop my racing mind. No matter how I try to spin the story I can't shake this bad feeling off and a feeling like, someone is watching me. I think I am just being paranode maybe Adam has her and if he doses he would have called me but 10 minutes have passed and all I heard was the wall clock ticking and the occasional car driving by outside my quiet neighborhood.                                      The silence was disrupted by my ringtone blasting through the living room making me gasp in shock but quickly picked it up not checking the ID of the caller.

"Lara Hellow. "

"Lara listen to me get out of your house NOW!" 


"GET OUT NOW LARA LEAVE THROUGH THE BACK DOOR!" he screams into the phone.

I was so confused but before I could ask why a hail of bullets flew thru the front of the house, breaking the glass and making holes in the furniture. I did not wait any longer I drop to the floor and start to crawl my way out the living room as I reach the back door I heard the front door open and I was more determined to get out of the house. 

After leaving the house I ran like there was no tomorrow from the back of the house all the way to the back gate with tears running down my cheeks but I did not stop to look back I just ran to my naibours house and pounded on the door but none answered so I ran back on to the street and ran down the street as fast as I can but stopped as a big black SUV with tinted windows screeched to a stop at the intersection. My heart was betting out off my chest and my breath now rapid. 

The doors open and I prepare for my death, cursing Adam in my head and prying Layla is safe but to my surprise, Adam climbed out of the car. his face softened as he saw me. I ran to him and broke down crying he heald me in his arm as I continued crying in shock.

"Why did you do that to me? " I said half crying.

"It was not me it was..." he started.

"Who, "I asked curiously

"It was..."I did not hear his answer I passed out

Adams POV


{5 months before he meets Lara}

Tonight my gang and I will be pulling off a heist worth $5billion and we were going over the final plans.

"Okay so everyone will get into position at my signal the trucks are heavily guarded by state security so we will get rid of them first. Jason you will use your control demolisher to take them out then the drivers Dray you and Kyle will get to the driver by climbing on to the sides and making your way to the driver window you will shoot him then open the door through the no broken window and take over all remember to stay off all major routes and don't leave any evidence." I instruct my team strictly. 

As the heist was underway we noticed two police cars following behind us after we took control completely. Well looks like we have a rat.

"Boys take out the trash," I say over our radios. As soon as I said that two of the boys piped back and shot the cars behind us and left them stranded. I smirked everyone obeys me.



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